another look at forcefields

    Sep 16, 2015
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    Forcefields are a pretty cool block, but I feel that, being nearly identical to advanced armour , they miss out on being something really cool that could add more depth to starmade.

    What I want is for forcefields to retain their current (or similar) defensive power, but be weightless (or near weightless) and regen after a set period of time, for a set amount of energy (this has been suggested in the past) . The trade-off is that they would cost power when activated. I feel if balanced properly, these could add a nice new active approach to defense.

    Both armour and shields are passive defensive systems, you don't really need to manage them much other than trying to duck away when taking too much damage. This is where forcefields could shine. Forcefields could be a great candidate for an active defense system. Simply flying around with a ship covered in force-fields could waste energy and possibly look a tad ugly, and in battle having them all on at all times could be less efficient than shields.

    So if they are less effective than shields, why ever use them?

    Well they are a whole lot more versatile than shields of course!

    They could be used to spot-protect damaged hull sections, protect specific areas of the ship (either highly important sections, or protecting only the side you are taking damage on), or even used in a support role by ships that provide an "umbrella" for friendly ships to hide behind if they need to regenerate shields, or make repairs.

    Interaction with effect modules could be interesting as well, maybe they could be similar to shields?