
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    I think there should be animals, And NPCs, An example of an NPC could be a shop NPC. It would be a little animation in the corner of your screen when you bring up the shop menu, Like in spore almost. He might say things to you when you buy stuff, He might give you advice, He could tell you about the stuff happening in that sector, Etc.

    Planets should have animals, Sheep, Pigs, Etc, However, Different planets could have alien life. As they already have alien plants, Also, Trees are in the game, But they seem to be rather rare, This should be fixed.

    You should also be able to hire NPCs as crew members, Who can repair your ship, Who can fight in your weapon's computer, Who can salvage for you, Etc. They should also level up depending on what they are doing, Possibly allowing you to adjust their perks upon level up, Like you can with your character in Skyrim.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    I see you really like your RPGs, haha. Once again, I like some parts of this idea (adding proper NPCs to the game), but I have to disagree with the more \"RPG\" related aspects. I like my RPGs too but not every game needs to be one, in my opinion.
    Jun 19, 2013
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    Good suggestion, it\'s been asked and stated before but in due time. Give it a while, maybe in a couple of months when the game becomes more stable there will be NPCs. Aliens and actual Pirates that could potentionally invade your ship are on that same list btw.
    Jun 7, 2013
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    • Purchased!
    It\'s not even that much RPGish the part that is basically asking for service NPC and some life planet-side. Those I can support wholeheartedly. Now, leveling NPCs, shopkeeper NPCs - they are quite RPGish but, despite being RPG fan myself - I find those features, as harsh at it may be, largely not worth it when thinking about how much balancing and work they may require. I don\'t want people to grind NPC levels, especially since NPCs services should be available to everyone who\'s not their faction\'s enemy or in case of your hired ones - who\'s part of your faction (unless you\'re factionless). I also want big ships to have a need for actual, living crewmen instead of players making single-player behemoths.

    It would be also horrible given that player characters won\'t have levels nor perks and lots of performance depends on player\'s skill and superiority of design. I am very strongly against changing that in any way that would impact gameplay to any, but the minor degree.

    I\'d rather have capabilities be dependant on equipment - and again, not necessarily in Minecraft way, but through different tools offering balanced pros and cons. Bulky, heavy spacesuits which are very slow - even in comparison with default ones - and (should it be added) unable to sustain character in inhospitable atmosphere/lack of such for longer periods of time next to some balanced environmental units, suits with very weak shield generators, quick and agile spacesuits.. and so on and so on. Maybe with tiny bit better, very rare and hard to make upgraded versions of them, for the sake of providing a goal and progression.
    Jul 7, 2013
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    you said about a shop keeper if your in space with aliens they will speak different langueges so maybe if all text is squigles until you buy an item like a translator or and alienease book then it will become english

    and i like the idea of a crew but leveling up no thats a bad idea maybe have skill the get higher like if the mine for a bit they mine a bit faster yes but not leveling up otherwise the game will be more about you haveing to constently check your guys to see if there a level higher then chose a skill to increase that would be incredibly boring if you have alot of people

    and lastly animals that would be awsome if they could grow bigger over time and breed then you could have a npc to farm them to produce stuff like on a planet you could have buffelo and you could have an npc havest there hide to sell im now getting exited
    Jun 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I was thinking about this too, even if its only a NPC walking around here or there, it would really make the game feel more like a space game! You get all these massive ships people make with hangers and turrets but they are always oddly empty, it steals a bit of the magic away. And you build all these fighters that sit in your ship but don\'t serve a purpose besides looking cool. If you could hire NPC pilots and have them fly out of your ship and land back where they came from with you at the wheel i think it would make making such big ships beyond worth while! And if you could build housing on planets or in custom space stations and have them do things like mine it would be great as well!

    While i agree this is more of a late game idea where they have completed the foundation of the game and worked out the bigger bugs, it is still something to keep in mind!
    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I support any mention of NPCs.

    As for animals... I dunno. You\'d think by the time people are spacefaring, animals kind of get reduced to commodities, on about equal level with, say, a rare ore, but less useful because it cannot be processed in a factory (or CAN it... I\'m told mudokon pies are delicious.) to use for ship parts.

    So it might make more sense to be able to buy and sell pork futures at the shops... But then that\'s just me.

    I do recall in Vega Strike, one could buy sentients as a commodity, to resell as slaves, as well as various animals. Maybe something similar could work here?

    If we do have NPCs in the game, I want the capability to clone them and freeze (or compacted into an item form) them so they can be reproduced and stored respectively on my ships.