An interesting find on the internet.

    Nov 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    I personally love awesome stories. And I found this. So I thought I'd share it with everyone.

    Jul 25, 2013
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    just goes to show how even though some of these animals are classified as \"Dangerous\", and \"Man-Eaters\", really they can be perfectly friendly.

    Not that I suggest trying to make friends with a starving tiger, but one that is well-fed should be fine.

    Take wolves for example, (Because wolves are amazing :P). Most people think of them as dangerous, wild and un-tameable. However, there is somewhere between 2 and 80 million wolves in America as pets.

    The common day dog is a wolf, almost identically when it comes down to DNA. Yet we as humans see a huge difference.

    When we first domesticated dog, they weren\'t dogs, they were wolves, and that was over 10,000 years ago. So why can\'t the same be done today?

    This can be applied similarly to cats, as they share similar DNA to leapords, tigers, panthers etc. (Not the tanks, the big cats.) Really, as long as they are approached right, they won\'t hurt you (Intentionally.)

    The above pictures and story goes to support all this, along with it just being plain cute.

    One of my two cats walked into the room just as I was typing this.

    [EDIT] Is that leapord skin she\'s wearing in the pic with her sitting next to the leapord?