AMC Cannons Not Firing at Cursor on Small Ships

    Oct 24, 2013
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    So my friends and I have started making small Mobile Suit type ships to fight each other in a "Thunderdome" on our private server, and when building mine I cannot for the life of me get my AMC's to fire directly at my mouse cursor. Instead they are firing in what almost seems the new right-click alternate fire method, but off center. When aiming at a station or another ship, instead of firing exactly at my cursor as they should, they instead fire high, low, or offset depeding on where the AMC is placed on the mobile suit (not always the case). I have made sure that my mouse buttons are not reversed in game, tested the AMC's by moving them to various different hardpoints, tested with my main Battleship (working as intended), and also tried changing the output block of the various AMC groups. On any of our ships that are rather large in size, the AMC groups function as intended, targeting the mouse cursor exactly. It seems that it's only with the small frame "mobile suits" that the AMC's do not track the cursor at all. At one point I was not even aiming at a nearby friendly ship, and the AMC's targeted that ship. Again, my cursor was nowhere near that ship at the time of firing. Tested and replicated several times. The only thing left to do is delete that ship and buy another of the template, but I have no guarantee that will fix it. Has anyone else encountered this? It seems to have started happening when we updated our server to the most recent launch, including the hotfix that was released after.


    It took a client restart to fix this issue. It seems my troubleshooting skills are not so amazing >.< I should have tried that to begin with. Still, it may be something that needs to be addressed. Note that I had recently undocked a turret from the right arm of that suit. I wonder if maybe the game got confused and applied that turret's targeting AI to some part of the main suit. I doubt that's the case, but who knows. Anyway, client restart ftw.