Alternative means of entering a ship

    Aug 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I was wondering if there was another way of getting into your vessel other than via the core.

    I built a small ship completely packed with power generators, shield dispersers, thrusters and such inside leaving no room for a nice big door and a room with the core in it.

    The core had to be squeezed in between the ship's systems and since it would be tactically poor choice to leave it exposed, I covered it with hull just like the rest of the ship. I found it impossible to enter the ship once I've done that so I replaced one piece of the hull sticking out next to the core with a single door. It's not an ellegant solution since now I have to open the door, get as close to the core as possible, close the door behind me (effectively making myself get stuck in it) and only then enter the core. It works but only when the ship's perfectly alligned and it proves problematic if the ship is landed on a surface of a planet.

    So yeah, either my ship has a major design flaw that I will just need to remember to leave out in my next designs or there's something I'm missing here.

    Is there another way of getting into your ships? A block of some kind? A setting? A command? Anything?
    Jul 5, 2013
    Reaction score
    It\'s preferred way to place ship core accessible somewhere inside the ship. But if you want a tricky way, there is 1. You need 1 ship docked to your main ship. Enter ships weapon computer with R, press Down, then Up and you are now in the core of the main ship. Left or right keys now let you change to some flight cockpit if you want. This is bad system if you have turrets on your ship, their AI will be disabled when you enter this way.