Alpha-numeric blocks

    Jan 31, 2015
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    Suggestion: implement a set of hull blocks with a single, large letter or number on the face of each.

    Displays are fine, but not readable at a distance, and block-spelling letters is not viable in most interiors and looks horrible on smaller ships. This would be a welcome addition for ship & station decoration.

    Arrange so that block rotation alters letter/number orientation to allow for vertical and inverted labeling.
    Sep 24, 2014
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    Suggestion: implement a set of hull blocks with a single, large letter or number on the face of each.

    Displays are fine, but not readable at a distance, and block-spelling letters is not viable in most interiors and looks horrible on smaller ships. This would be a welcome addition for ship & station decoration.

    Arrange so that block rotation alters letter/number orientation to allow for vertical and inverted labeling.
    This would actually be interesting. I can, however, see a few difficulties with how it could be implemented. For example, as you said they would need to include a new rotation form of block orientation. In addition, it may be tedious if they have to make a bunch of different text colours, a bunch of letters and numbers, all for each colour and type(basic, standard, and advanced).

    Overall though, this is a very good idea and I would like for it to be introduced.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Every Letter and Number for Every Hull Color would be a LOT of block IDs. Unless it is a sprite that can be placed on the surface of a block. You would probably need at least two sets, white and black, which would still be a LOT of ids


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    This would actually be interesting. I can, however, see a few difficulties with how it could be implemented. For example, as you said they would need to include a new rotation form of block orientation. In addition, it may be tedious if they have to make a bunch of different text colours, a bunch of letters and numbers, all for each colour and type(basic, standard, and advanced).

    Overall though, this is a very good idea and I would like for it to be introduced.
    If the devs can set up block rotation on the display block, html code for background coloring and implement more text sizes, including 1-char-per-meter, we can use the existing display blocks. (Currently, you can change the color of display block lettering, but the sizes are pretty small, even at their largest font size.)
    Aug 14, 2013
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    If the devs can set up block rotation on the display block, html code for background coloring and implement more text sizes, including 1-char-per-meter, we can use the existing display blocks. (Currently, you can change the color of display block lettering, but the sizes are pretty small, even at their largest font size.)
    The problem with this is if you are far enough away (not even that far) the display disappears. Some way to make it sprite based but not take up a ton of IDs would be the best option I believe.


    Precentor-Primus, pro-tempore
    Jul 13, 2014
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    The problem with this is if you are far enough away (not even that far) the display disappears. Some way to make it sprite based but not take up a ton of IDs would be the best option I believe.
    So, custom-image display block groups then? (Flags, signs, space-station billboards, ship registry numbers, etc.)
    Jul 29, 2013
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    I'm far more supportive of the idea that display blocks receive an overhaul. I'm sure it is within the dev's capabilities to make them readable at range, larger sized, and to support things like background colors, symbols, and that kind of thing. Adding alphanumeric letter blocks just isn't feasible.
    Jun 24, 2013
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    If you want pure decorative, maybe you could steal the hp bits for a total of 256 possible letters/symbols/etc with only 1 id. The block would then have 1 hp, so if it gets hit it is destroyed. Ideally, the projectile that hit it isn't affected, so that the block is pure decoration and wouldn't block projectiles. This is the hard part. As for orientation, if it uses the activation bit like corners do then it would have the 24 possibilities it would need. This would end up as spray paint, essentially, and not a real block.
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    Jan 31, 2015
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    Actually I almost included the request for Cyrillic (Russian) lettering in my OP because I encounter a lot of Russian-speakers in-game, and I myself am bilingual. Plus it would make for cool "unreadable" lettering options for non Russian speakers. Hiragana wouldn't be bad either.

    Before posting I considered the issue of how many IDs alpha-num blocks would create. Especially considering colors & hull types. Was hoping community dialog might turn up some creative solutions. The display overhaul option sounds promising.
    Aug 14, 2013
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    Actually I almost included the request for Cyrillic (Russian) lettering in my OP because I encounter a lot of Russian-speakers in-game, and I myself am bilingual. Plus it would make for cool "unreadable" lettering options for non Russian speakers. Hiragana wouldn't be bad either.

    Before posting I considered the issue of how many IDs alpha-num blocks would create. Especially considering colors & hull types. Was hoping community dialog might turn up some creative solutions. The display overhaul option sounds promising.
    A simple overlay block that will "stick" to the side of another block and allow us to draw whatever we want... Not sure if that would work code wise but you would be able to have any lettering you wanted as well as other graphics. Of course this could be abused if players are lewd with it, which you know they will...