Aiming cannon problem

    Aug 24, 2014
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    So, i've built a big main cannon for my ship with slave pulse damage and punch through effect (the idea is to get a long range, piercing and very powerful cannon. So i've built it in a chess-like pattern, AMC modules and pulse modules (obviously only AMCs shoot), all of the modules in a 50 long row, and the punch through modules at the front (see image).

    Once built, i tried it with some old random turrets that i undocked from the main ship, and here comes the problem: when i shoot and i'm not "aiming" (the crosshair is white), the shots go in a straight line and drill massive holes in everything (good!), but when i'm aiming (the crosshair is green, because is one of my turrets) all the shots go to the same point, do a ton of damage (many red numbers), but not a single block is destroyed (bad!).

    It's the first ship i've built in this game, so i have no experience in combat yet. Is because of using my old undocked turrets as dummies that the cannon doesn't work properly? or is it something else? what i'm doing wrong? Please, a bit of help for a newbie!


    Jun 23, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    My memory is bad. How much damage does the single AMC cannon of 50 block do?
    Also, i'm not sure what you mean by drilling massive holes in everything while not aiming...
    Make sure you fire with the right mouse button when shooting with a "shotgun" array, so that the fire is not focused on a single point. How much shields do these turrets have, exactly?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    What @Firrion said about right click. Left click focuses all your weapons onto one block. Right click makes them fire parallel. If you are aiming off into space and you left click, they also go parallel (as target is infinite distance away).
    Aug 24, 2014
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    @Firrion and @Commodore , thanks for your help, had no idea about that right click to fire. @Firrion, the 50 block AMC cannon, with 100% pulse upgrade and 100% pulse support does 15300 points of damage. The turrets have no shields, precisely because i wanted to see how many blocks my cannon can destroy. Now that i have tested it again, right clicking works perfectly, it destroys the dummies, but left clicking (focused shot) only breaks 1 or 2 hulls, so it's still a bit weird... well, i guess i didn't expected it to be so much focused. Anyway, thanks both for the help.

    BTW, is it just me or the last update is buggy as hell?
    Aug 30, 2013
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    Putting all your cannon rounds into one block means they all hit within milliseconds of the others, unless you stagger your cannons. From what I can tell, the block that you hit takes a relatively long time (many milliseconds) to register as destroyed, so the rest of the rounds still hit the one block.