AI Suggestions

    Jul 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Droids sugesstions for AI.

    Hello there. I have been playing starmade for a few days.

    the game is amazing. but not without issues. For example. The AI. Once let go. the Artafical intellegance units attack any hostile target. but, do not return. I think that AI is a great potential for starmade.

    A potential that is wasted. At the current state

    My suggestions include:

    Return home function: The docking unit the AI connected to should be able to be set up as the AI's "Home"

    Once a vessal with a bobby ai unit docks using a docking port. The boby ai should have a button on its user interface. Allawing it to set that docking port as it's "Home" A place it will return once it has compleated it's objective

    A place where the AI will return once told to. If there are no foes detected for X time. Or when the repairs are done and no more damage was taken over X time

    Remote controll: A new block that once connected to AI Units would be in controll of them. And be able to send new orders to them. or shut them off incase they go rouge, For balance remote controll will need "Antena" blocks. The larger the antena. the further the broadcast of the encrypted orders for the drones go. If a drone gets lost. and out of the range of it. It cannot be commanded. and will continue with its basic order. This will prevent from small ships plonk a controll unit and a hunded of docks. and just swarm the enemy. the larger the antenna. the more power it uses, and the more drones it can command at once.

    The remote control block will controll any boby ai controlled vesals that have their "Home" as a dock to the ship the control block is placed on.

    Repair: Giving an AI unit a ship with a repair beam. will enable it to Repair your ship. Seeking for damaged blocks and shooting at them with the beam. Once repair was compleated. Returning to its home

    Protect: Upon detecting damage to the hull or shield of the space ship. Automatic reaction drones should be activated. (if they got the programing for so) Undocking. and flying off towards the threat. then returning once there are no threats X meeters away from the ship their "Home" is connected to.

    AI pathfinding in corridors would be greatly appricated. And at times. The AI using its docking beam to open a large plexdoor (only if its larger then them) to leave an enclosed room. if behind that plexdoor they can navigate their way to the target

    (Additions by nootau)

    I would way there should be config limits on several things with the remote control option. Well here goes nothing:

    These should be a clear set Gui for options of what to do. This will make it more user friendly as well. Example orders: Patrol , Dock at .

    Each radio signal tower should control only one squadron at a time. A squadron can be made up of as few as a single vessel or up to eight vessels. This will allow a significant force to be allowed without blotting out the sun when someone tries to issue several thousand AIs around a system.

    Signal Range
    The signal range should be segmented into two different limits. Firstly, the signal cannot leave the System you currently are in, orders to go to or act in sectors outside of the System are invalid. This will give a reason to have multiple bases in multiple different sectors. The second is, each signal enhance block connected to the Command Station block(the radio tower) will increase the sector range by four.

    I strongly belive that all of the above will much improve the experiance of StarMade. allawing factions homebases and large ships to have their automated systems. that could work even without them being near the ship. or possibly. not even online.
    Jul 28, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    i like what your saying but AI\'s arent that smart :P

    i do like the idea for returning home but i worry about ships running into plannets and been able to doge other ships. i would also worry about my ship running into mobs and things that could damage it. i do like the idea of having ships to repair your ship and recon that giving AI\'s orders like salvaging and repairing would be really cool. i think those basic ideas could be quite possible in the near future :)
    Jul 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
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    And would be possible if AI was given just abit more work. As right now they have no path finding what so ever. they just charge at you mindlessly.

    A basic pathfinding could lead to large docks with many ships. flying one after the olther in corridors

    maybe even asigning groups for ships. so they act as one squad.
    Jul 27, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Infact. if possible. I would like factories actually placing blocks together. so you could have assembly lines for drones. Would be quite amazing.
    Jun 21, 2013
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    Android, that last thing you mentioned would be quite hard to implement...

    But otherwise I LOVE everything else you said. I mentioned some ideas similar to these in an earlier thread, but that thread never really caught on. I believe that all of this could be controlled either through LUA-based scripting or a trigger-based GUI system, but I prefer the script idea.

    I don\'t know how many times I have posted almost this exact same comment before on previous threads, but my favorite element of this is to have squadrons of fighters be able to carry out coordinated attack patterns against larger vessels. This would also allow for a ship to give a \"call for backup\" to some fighters docked at a station, and those fighters would come to the rescue, assisting the ship in combat.

    Again, you have great ideas.
    Jun 26, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I would way there should be config limits on several things with the remote control option. Well here goes nothing:

    These should be a clear set Gui for options of what to do. This will make it more user friendly as well. Example orders: Patrol , Dock at .

    Each radio signal tower should control only one squadron at a time. A squadron can be made up of as few as a single vessel or up to eight vessels. This will allow a significant force to be allowed without blotting out the sun when someone tries to issue several thousand AIs around a system.

    Signal Range
    The signal range should be segmented into two different limits. Firstly, the signal cannot leave the System you currently are in, orders to go to or act in sectors outside of the System are invalid. This will give a reason to have multiple bases in multiple different sectors. The second is, each signal enhance block connected to the Command Station block(the radio tower) will increase the sector range by four.