Bug AI not working with any consistency

    Jul 14, 2013
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    I won't submit a bug report until I know I'm not doing something wrong, however, whenever I try to create a ship AI, 9/10 times it does not appear to work.

    My first attempt at creating a ship was putting a cannon computer on a core with a bobby AI module, once activated, in ship mode, and on locked target only it just spun around erratically, after putting a thruster and some energy generation on the ship it worked fine and started shooting at the target I asked it to.

    Next I tried the same thing but with weapon pulse computers, no movement at all, nothing happened to the ship. Then I tried it with cannons, again, it didn't work, so even by creating the same exact ship as the first the AI refused to work. Next I rebuilt it, tried the same things as before in different orders, no luck, still no movement

    Additionally I just tried to make an entirely new world with the same set up, it didn't work at all even with cannons.

    Note, I had not created a faction, nor put any faction modules on either of these ships, and the faction of the thing they were supposed to shoot at but only one did was -1 (pirates).
    Jul 31, 2013
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    You should make sure to put some rail mass enhancers. They are neccessary as the mass of turrets and rails are modified by them. Other than that, it can be easy to accidently block your turrets with a stray block. If you move your turret, and then it becomes stuck outside it's starting position, you can also press 'c' to make it go back while in it.
    Jul 14, 2013
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    You should make sure to put some rail mass enhancers. They are neccessary as the mass of turrets and rails are modified by them. Other than that, it can be easy to accidently block your turrets with a stray block. If you move your turret, and then it becomes stuck outside it's starting position, you can also press 'c' to make it go back while in it.
    Sorry, it had nothing to do with turrets, no mass enhancers needed, I figured out what to do in another thread, I was trying to make a homing warhead, you needed to use push effects and logic to get it to continually push in the direction it was looking. Worked well in that aspect, but warheads don't do enough damage to shields for it to be worth it.