AI Assistants, New AI, weapons, FTL and lots of other small things

    Jun 19, 2013
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    Ok so I've been playing starmade for a while and this is a list of suggestions for it.

    AI assistants

    AI assistants are a new type of AI that you place on a ship. These AI are composed of various types of blocks, each block adds new functionality. These are a few of the AI modules that you could have.

    AI Matrix

    This is the core of the new AI assistant. You select this and then add various modules to it.

    Damage Control Module

    This adds a top down view of the ship which shows the shields and where they have been hit it also shows where blocks have recently been destroyed of damaged.

    Radar Module

    The radar module adds 100M extra range to it and helps burn through the radar jammer this means the more modules you have the higher the power expenditure to keep on radar jamming.

    Communication module

    This module relays information from you to any member in your faction and the other way around this means if your under attack you send out a general alert with which sector you are in and what faction is attacking.

    FTL Navigation Matrix

    This gives you the ability to jump to another sector the range increases with each module installed this means fighters have only a limited jump range improving the demand for carriers. The base number of range is 5 sectors then adding +3 for each new one.

    Weapon ideas


    The bomb is a complicated system involving three items a bomb bay the Bomb rack and the modifiers as well as the bomb computer. The Bomb bays have to be grouped together these decide how much damage the bombs do as well as radius. The Bomb rack dictates how many bombs are released in a salvo and the reload time. The modifiers also change the properties of the bomb.

    Bomb modifiers

    • HE - high explosive does less damage to armour but has a high radius useful for attacks on unarmored bases and stations.
    • AP - Armour piercing these are more effective at destroying armour this is useful against capital ships and other heavily armoured ships.
    • EMP - Electro magnetic pulse these stop the shields from regenerating at all the difference is the damage dealt is turned in to the time your unable to regenerate
    • Cluster Bombs - The cluster bombs damage the hull separating into various pieces pock marking the hull


    Like the bombs Cannons are composed of three separate modules: Barrel this effects radius, Loader this dictates damage and reload and Modifiers.

    Cannon Modifiers

    • HE - same as the bomb except it's fired from a cannon
    • AP - same as the bomb version (I'm lazy)
    • SABOT rounds a higher grade for the AP but has a 1 block radius and is more expensive
    • HEAP- High explosive armour piercing a mash of both AP and HE piercing the armour then blowing up


    ?OK here is how the FTL system will work. The more FTL navigation Matrixes the further you can go. the distance between sectors is counted by a straight line and how many sectors that it goes through. For each sector you pass through it adds +2 seconds on to a base of 5 second charge time during this period you will be operating on half power. This can be counteracted by using FTL reactors these decrease the time taken to charge to the base of 5 seconds but these have take up 100 power per block you require at least one of these to jump. To jump you need to set a waypoint on the navigation bar then you go to your hotbar and select it off the hotbar when you click it will begin to charge this will be counted down with the reload timer.

    New AI

    Here is how propose to implement a SEMI-programmable AI this uses simple ready cut pieces to construct the AI script this will require you to use algebra for targeting as sensing is broken down into three pieces:

    • Range Finder these come in different standards each with a higher grade of accuracy as well as price
    • Directional Sensor the determine the direction of the ship like the range finder it comes in different grades
    • Acceleration and Velocity sensor this determines the rate and velocity of the ship

    All these factor into the targeting telling the AI where to shoot these can also work with the AI assistant telling you where to lead your shots on your selected target. The AI determine where to shoot by gathering the following Distance - to determine the time taken to get there factoring in for one weapon system, Direction this tells it which heading it is travelling at aiming just in front of the movement direction, Velocity + acceleration this tells the distance from the lead marker to the actual target.

    That's it and thanks for reading