Agresive AI

    Feb 10, 2014
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    I feal the AI are to pasive and I would like to see them get a little bit of their old Agrsivenes back.
    Back in the day the AI woul litery get within spiting rang of you and they would chase you. Now that could have had somthing to do with the fact that weapon ranges were so sort back then, and they AI would only engage a target at default weapons randge, even if that weapon's range had been buffed.

    What I would like to see is AI that are willing to attack. Right now they will sit at the max range of their weapons and orbit around you, that is boring. I want AI that will actually try to close with and destroy the enemy. Do you know how much of a downer it is to launch drones frome a carrier and watch them drifed lazily away frome the carrier.

    I am not surtan what is needed to fix this, but one idea is that there be a seting on the AI block that you can set, which will deturmen the rang an AI will try to maintain between it and its target.


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    all joking aside, I believe that the AI will need to become smarter when the thrust update happens. since we'll be able to allocate thrust in certain directions the AI will need to know what to do if theres zero reverse thrust (I half expect it to do nothing and just sit there). Perhaps schema will get to work on a partial AI upgrade

    till then you can equip pirates with push clocks so they are forced to fly forward. Push clock pirates can be quite interesting to fight
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    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Yep until schema makes them fight a bit harder and take advantage of all their weapon ranges we kinda have to force the AI to get close with push clocks. I figured out the faster the clock the more interesting they are to fight but watch out the AI tends to forget how to avoid colliding when thrusters are unable to correct the vector. I've also noticed that the AI doesn't even try to fly at max speed either, not even close unless half the ship is made out of thrusters. o_O
    Sep 5, 2013
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    The only time I've seen the ai try to avoid collision is when the player is too close to them. Until recently, when an ai wave was summoned, they'd be on a crash course with the station that called them, then they hit the station bounce off/get stuck and then go park in a sector corner somewhere until despawned.

    I've recently done some testing with vanilla settings to check the pirate behavior vs radar jammers, and without the radar jammer on there is a range the pirates approach to and then just sit. The engagement range depends on whats equipped but in all instances its less than half the max range. I'll have to test stations next they seem to engage at about max range for cannons at least.


    Leads the Storm
    Jun 26, 2015
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    Yes noticed that, they don't seem to think stations should be avoided. o_O Sent a huge wall of bomb ships at a station to try and kill it and they just hit it but did no damage. o_O