After a mix of Starmade, TF2, and insomnia; a revelation was born

    Jul 11, 2013
    Reaction score
    As crazy as it sounds, TF2 (Team Fortress 2) and Starmade have a lot in common. One thing is that everything is good against another but bad against the other. Similar to how the pyro can slaughter spies with ease but are constantly killed by snipers. I see that in most games, but I have tried to match it out in Star made

    So when you think of TF2, you think of spies (hint:everyone is a spy), this translates to the cloaker in Starmade. One can spelunk the turrets off of any ship or station in a stealth or jamming ship. This can be countered by either: A) firing off shots wildly or B) checking for cloakers by waving a drain beam around. Fairly straightforward since you can force the cloaked to stop cloaking and make them visible.

    In TF2, I play the scout (Bonk!) and I think the Fighter/Strike craft represent this class the best. Fast, low health, and epic for giving large ships hell, this silent hero is the best for blitzkriegs and Leeroy Jenkinsing. They counter some turrets, other fighters, and idiotically made capitals and are counter by well made capitals and turrets.

    The power supply and heal beams are everyone's favorite support class. Countered by everything, a repair ship is never useful alone and always needs a friend. Great for licking your wounds and assisting mega guns in battle, the medic styled ships are few and far between (just like in TF2 lol). Would be nice to see more of them flying around.

    I can think of more (and some more counters) in the morning. When I can use an actual computer. So good night I say! And remember, The medic is a spy!

    EDIT#1: Adding more to this!


    I always see the mighty battleship as the heavy. Battleships can kill most other ships except for the occasional scout. Long range sniper ships and cloak and dagger spelunkers are the worst enemy of the battleship. and each other of course.

    Sniper ships use very powerful AI turrets to target and destroy ships that are well out of render distance. Rare, but powerful, these ships can make a huge impact in any fleet based assault. Best to keep them away from direct combat, they aren't the most solid of all ships.

    The soldier and demo man get pretty close but I think the soldier is the missile frigate and the demo-man is the bomber. The soldier boasts fields of D1000 and SD-BB rockets (since SD-KB's are team-killers) whilst the demo-man may use AI torpedoes and D1000's.

    The pyro, what inhuman thoughts that manage to transfer over to starmade exist, the shotgun corvette is my vote for everyones little lunatic. Using drain beams and crazy amounts of single AMC blocks, this is not a ship to ignore. Maximum DPS and some serious Spy check make this ship anything but friendly.

    Engineer is a bit silly, but is probably either a carrier or a gunboat. Boasting ridiculous amounts of AI fighters and turrets, the Engineer-like equivalents of starmade are uncommon and are capable of massive damage if done right.

    Goodbye, and remeber, EVERYTHING is a spy...

    Jun 23, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I generally play medic and scout (Holy Mackerel specialising, of course. For some reason I cannot use anything else but a wet fish when fighting as the Scout. Guns are pointless for me, for I am a fish master) in TF2, only switching to Spy if it looks like the rest of my team can handle things on their own for a while.

    Surprisingly though in Starmade, it pretty much just is the Scout-ish type ships I build. I oughta build a healy ship onna these days.

    Makes sense though, the ships we build do map to TF2 classes fairly well most of the time.