Advanced Physics/Debris

    Dec 19, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I have played Games like blockade runner and other space build games. I do like how in this Game you have Generator blocks and shield blocks to customize your ship perfectly unlike Blockade runner that just had big generators that arnt too blocky. But something it had that I'd like to see in this game is when you split a ship in half that they turn into 2 diffrent parts and float away from each other. this would make battle fields look amazing with floating debris all around. I know it would probably cause some lag but There are probably some Graphic tricks you could do or options you could make to turn it on or off (server wide).
    Also in my own opinion I dont really like how after the core is gone the entire ship just deletes. maybe you could make an option to turn that on or off to where it just leaves to broken ship there? (this would probably be more for private servers).
    So far i do like the game ALOT and hope it keeps going. good luck.