Admin Features Suggestions

    Oct 6, 2012
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    You said if we needed anything admin wise to let you know, so here is my obnoxiously long list!

    1. /destroy_ship NAME

    2. restrict destruction of non-owned vehicles/objects in specified sectors (/protect x x x)

    3. define your own race with home sector? (governments etc can be added later or just leave that to 3rd parties with use of a MOD API)

    4. toggle enemies in config and command /toggle_enemies

    5. permissions for commands and features with ranks preferably. Yaml is not hard to use and would work well or you can use a point based permission system which may be easier for people to use.

    6. define sectors where missle explosions are disabled

    7. whitelist

    8. console commands

    9. include console in gui

    10. seperate consoles and logs for techinical and player commands/chat

    11. seperate config for server so it is easier to navigate

    12. ability to change speed caps

    13. ability to tweak a set price muliplier for shops /price_mult x

    14. command to restock a selected shops defaults /restock

    15. bind usernames to ips or require auth codes in game with /auth PASSWORDHERE

    16. please fix /give certain items dont work with it such as red hull

    17. have the client put a key somewhere in the registry or use processor ids, gfx ids or some hardware id and send it to the server hashed and have it so the data is verified in someway this way we can ban destructive/harrassing players by their computers.

    18. Warp gates or spawnable worm holes or even warp drives that use a fuel would be nice