Activation of modules and power systems with docked entities

    Jul 12, 2018
    Reaction score
    Hey people, iiam working in a ship design with rotating parts and i have some questions:

    - Considering that i wanted to activate a system on a rotative part while on the main core, is there a way to do it? Remote ship activators only work if you're in the same core as the remote activator block, right?

    - Is there a way to activate/deactivate thrusters?

    - Can I use, for the main ship core, power generated in a docked entity?

    - And if i put power reactors and ftl chambers in a docked entity, can i get it's effects in the main core?
    Jul 12, 2018
    Reaction score
    One more thing, I'm new in starmade, so could someone recommend me a good way to understand more about the many existing ship systems, fleet systems, space stations, configuration relative to this things, etc. The starmade wiki seems not to be fully up to date…
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    Jun 19, 2018
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    - Considering that i wanted to activate a system on a rotative part while on the main core, is there a way to do it? Remote ship activators only work if you're in the same core as the remote activator block, right?
    You can do that with wireless modules, they are bridges between entities. Also, you can't connect them in build mode and have to do it in astronaut mode.

    Regarding your other questions, in a first time I advise you to read the news page, especially this one.
    Last edited:
    Jan 26, 2016
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    1 Wireless blocks are magic. They let you send logic across different entities, which is exactly what you're describing. If you want control from the hotbaron a different entity, all you have to do is put down a hotbar activator, press c on it, place down a wireless, press v on it, then press c, then mozy on over to the other entity, place down a wireless and press v. Presto whamo you've got a wireless signal. Go back into the original core, add the hotbar activator to your hotbar, and test the signal. If it doesn't work, press c on the original wireless and v on the second wireless again in case something went wrong.

    2 Pressing wasdctrl&space. Other than that no.

    3 Don't know

    4 I don't believe so.

    One more thing, if you're new, and you want to learn SM, a good way is to join up with a faction, and learn from more experianced players in game. You can go on pretty much any populated server and say "Can I join any faction?" and usually you'll get a response from someone who wants a new faction member. Failing that, you can apply to factions on the forums, but this is less reliable.
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    stuff builder
    Jun 12, 2017
    Reaction score
    Hey people, iiam working in a ship design with rotating parts and i have some questions:

    - Considering that i wanted to activate a system on a rotative part while on the main core, is there a way to do it? Remote ship activators only work if you're in the same core as the remote activator block, right?

    - Is there a way to activate/deactivate thrusters?

    - Can I use, for the main ship core, power generated in a docked entity?

    - And if i put power reactors and ftl chambers in a docked entity, can i get it's effects in the main core?
    - Connect your remote block to a wireless block, put another wireless block on the entity you want to activate and connect both wireless modules with the usual keys but without being in a core.

    - Do you mean use docked thrusters? Then yes, in the main core go to the thrusters config window, there is a button to inherit the thrusters from docked entities

    - Yes.

    - For that one idk, probalbly not, since the chanbers should be directly connected to the power core they upgrade


    For learning how ship systems works I usually check a short ramdom YT video on the block capabilities, then simply try to use it on a small scale build, until it works perfectly, trial and error.
    Jul 12, 2018
    Reaction score
    You can do that with wireless modules, they are bridges between entities. Also, you can't connect them in build mode and have to do it in astronaut mode.

    Regarding your other questions, in a first time I advise you to read the news page, especially this one.
    Thanks for the help!
    - Connect your remote block to a wireless block, put another wireless block on the entity you want to activate and connect both wireless modules with the usual keys but without being in a core.

    - Do you mean use docked thrusters? Then yes, in the main core go to the thrusters config window, there is a button to inherit the thrusters from docked entities

    - Yes.

    - For that one idk, probalbly not, since the chanbers should be directly connected to the power core they upgrade


    For learning how ship systems works I usually check a short ramdom YT video on the block capabilities, then simply try to use it on a small scale build, until it works perfectly, trial and error.
    Thanks for the help man!
    - Connect your remote block to a wireless block, put another wireless block on the entity you want to activate and connect both wireless modules with the usual keys but without being in a core.

    - Do you mean use docked thrusters? Then yes, in the main core go to the thrusters config window, there is a button to inherit the thrusters from docked entities

    - Yes.

    - For that one idk, probalbly not, since the chanbers should be directly connected to the power core they upgrade


    For learning how ship systems works I usually check a short ramdom YT video on the block capabilities, then simply try to use it on a small scale build, until it works perfectly, trial and error.
    I think you answered "yes" for my question "- Can I use, for the main ship core, power generated in a docked entity?". How could i do this?


    stuff builder
    Jun 12, 2017
    Reaction score
    Thanks for the help!

    Thanks for the help man!
    I think you answered "yes" for my question "- Can I use, for the main ship core, power generated in a docked entity?". How could i do this?
    Back then there were a power beam computer and modules, that transferred power from the firing entity to the entity fired at, like a repair beam but just for energy.
    But it seems that it was removed, I can't find the corresponding blocks. With the current build idk. Sorry mate
    Jul 12, 2018
    Reaction score
    Back then there were a power beam computer and modules, that transferred power from the firing entity to the entity fired at, like a repair beam but just for energy.
    But it seems that it was removed, I can't find the corresponding blocks. With the current build idk. Sorry mate
    Np man, thanks for the help!

    Dr. Whammy

    Executive Constructologist of the United Star Axis
    Jul 22, 2014
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    • Thinking Positive
    • Likeable Gold
    • Legacy Citizen 9
    Hey people, iiam working in a ship design with rotating parts and i have some questions:

    - Considering that i wanted to activate a system on a rotative part while on the main core, is there a way to do it? Remote ship activators only work if you're in the same core as the remote activator block, right?

    - Is there a way to activate/deactivate thrusters?

    - Can I use, for the main ship core, power generated in a docked entity?

    - And if i put power reactors and ftl chambers in a docked entity, can i get it's effects in the main core?
    - As the others have said; Use wireless logic. You'd be amazed what kind of crazy stuff you can come up with with wireless blocks relaying your remote signals to different docked entities. You can even remotely activate your AI turrets.

    - No. Thrusters are always on. You can reconfigure their directions and rotational properties but they are always active in a base capacity and draw more power when your ship is in motion. No additional power appears to be used for rotation.

    - No. Docked entities are automatically shut down under the Power 2.0 system. Your only option is to increase the generator size on the parent entity. Turrets on docked ships also appear to be disabled, though turrets of the parent entity seem unaffected.

    - Chambers of docked entities are automatically shut off as well since their reactor is off while docked. Their icon in the hotbar will be darkened out; signifying usability. As such, there is no "reverse hierchy" chamber effect inheritance.

    Hope this helps.