Activation Gates suggested behavior changes

    Nov 25, 2015
    Reaction score
    I would like to recommend some changes to Activation Gates.

    Current behavior of Activation Gates is weird. To figure out how to use Activation Gates I tested one out first. When a gate is connected to and or or logic gates as the only input the gate acts like a switch. Go through the Activation Gate and the and/or will turn on, and stay on. Go through the gate again and they turn off, and stay off. But it is the flip-flop they is really interesting. When you go through the Activation Gate the attached flip-flop turns on, and stays on, no matter what. Once the Activation Gate has toggled the flip-flop on nothing the Activation Gate does will turn the flip-flip off.

    Activation Gates as switches and the weirdness with flip-flops how is this good?

    Activation Gates should give an on signal while something is in the gate for the entire time it is still within the gate. Only when the Activation Gate is empty should the Activation Gate signal switch to low. This would allow the use of Activation Gates for things like automated hanger door closing systems. It can still be done with them the way they are, I have done it. But you have to use delays and luck or it just closes the door on your ship, not a good thing.

    I believe this would make Activation Gates a lot more useful.


    Dec 31, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Wired for Logic
    • Thinking Positive
    • Legacy Citizen 5
    Same for area triggers. But you can counter-act it (with more logic).
    To get your behaviour, you also need 3 triggers.
    A --- B --- C
    • A : Be left of B
    • B : Be between A and C -- the state you desire.
    • C : Be right of B
    NOTE: The states need to be exclusive and a second entity can mess it up.
    • especially because of this, I did make a suggestion before.

    And while we are on it, why not make a gate with 3 states:
    • Gate->Activation : Something inside
    • Gate->And : Something entered
    • Gate->Or : Something left
    With this you can actually count how many objects are inside it.