account linked to steam, but launcher crashes when attempting to play through steam

    Aug 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen
    • Community Content - Bronze 2
    • Community Content - Bronze 1
    I was able to get my account to link through steam, but immediately upon doing so, the launcher stopped working entirely. I found out that steam reinstalled starmade, but did so in the steam directory. OK, not a problem right, wrong because the original launcher still recognizes the original install, so what steam did was install files to both. this corrupted the files so that when using the launcher it immediately crashed upon clicking start game. and all while this happens the steam client is still counting the time played as if nothing is wrong, so its basically saying I, have the game and am playing it, but in actuality I cannot run it through steam at all.

    I fixed the problem by completely and I mean completely uninstalling both of the games directories. and just reinstalling it through the web site, and that fixed it so I can at least actually play without using steam.
    in the end what do i have for my trouble, progress lost and a steam account link that doesn't actually work, good job valve!

    EDITS: oh and BTW before you ask, YES I did try uninstalling it after I fixed it. I then tryed to reinstall it through steam the same end result happened the launcher crashes upon starting the game.
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