A few ideas

    Jul 3, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    I bet these have been said before, but I ant to add my two cents for what I think should be implemented.

    -Weather cycles: Snow on ice worlds, sandstorms on desert worlds.

    -Meteor showers: Either cause dammage, or look pretty.

    -Settlements/bases: Randomly generated, but on some worlds only. a little tech scattered, but not enough to get rich off of.

    -Bears: What more need I say tha f@%kin g bears?

    -Movable asteroids: Hit one and it will spin like your ships.

    -Communication equipment: Multiplayer, and can be codded, gibberish if you don't have the code number.

    -Companions: be it space whales, or monkies in space suits, give us an AI companion that we can order arround with simple tasks.

    -Space Police: If you ever get caught where you can't escape, or pirates have you trapped on a planet, call them and in a few minutes a heavily armed ship will arive, (from warp) blast everything in three clicks, and leave (into warp)

    -Oxygen, oxygen refill, and oxygen filtration: Simple enough, but make refill time for air tanks take time .

    -Custome waypoints: Be it on a ship we accidently lost, or on the planet of a much hatted enemy faction, I want to be able to find out where the hell I'm going. And I want the waypoints to be perminite until we delete them, and nullable if we want to hide them for a while.

    -Furnature: For settlements, space stations, and ships, it's been kinda dull so far.

    I hope these idas get considdered weather or not they've been said before, and I can't wait to see this beautiful game grow,

    -Peace and love and explody things, KillJoy