A Few Fixes

    Aug 1, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    While I am willing to bet that what I'm about to say has already been said by a bunch of people, it assures me that what follows will have a higher chance of making it into the game. I'm well aware of this game being in the alpha version and that much is in store for us in the future.

    First off, I'm tired of having to remove blocks off of my ship to enter because my character, while being able to stay in a void indefinitely, cannot seem to figure out how to roll. (If this feature is already present and I've made a right idiot out of myself, I'd like to be informed)

    Secondly, I'm a bit disappointed at the lack of beam weapons in this game, the closest to it being the antimatter cannon. You just can't fight space pirates in space without space-y beam weapons.

    And thirdly, I'd like to see a better map of the game, perhaps a perspective view of a three-dimensional one (as in Star Conflict) that will tell me more about my surroundings in a less confusing manner than a two-demensional grid; because as of now, I ignore the map entirely, using the waypoints instead.

    On a side-note, I'd like to be able to roll the cockpit block so that when it's placed on the bottom or sides of my ship it'll be a bit less confusing navigating or fighting from there (I enjoy making more realistic-type ships that take advantage of space's lack of an "up" or "down" by using symmetrical constructions).

    Again, I know that most of this has already been said, and I feel a bit naggy and vexing for doing this- but I suppose that if they didn't want to be told what they didn't have they wouldn't have put a suggestion forum.


    Roll for character outside of ship, weapons that go "bzzt" instead of "pew pew," better map, edit cockpit's orientation via rotation on the x axis.