a couple of graphical HUD bugs

    Nov 14, 2014
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 4
    Basically, every time I start Starmade, no matter what graphical settings I specify in the launcher, I run into a couple of problems with the HUD which I never had with my last computer, which is the exact same model.

    The first one is that the colored arrows around the center of the screen that point at ships, stations, etc. are off-center, being centered around the bottom right corner instead of around the actual center of the screen.

    Additionally, the options menu defaults to the left side of the screen, but as you can drag this to the center of the screen, it's not a big issue. what is a big issue is that half of the arrows to change the settings simply aren't there. You can't increase any of the settings, only decrease them.

    Also, stars (or suns) are ugly purpleish blobs instead of what you would expect them to look like.

    I would post screenshots, but unfortunately they are apparently too large for the forum's file size limit. If anyone else has run into similar problems then they probably know what I'm talking about, and hopefully have some idea how to fix it.
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