~50 suggestions from first week of play. =]

    Aug 8, 2013
    Reaction score
    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Note that there are likely to be duplicates with other suggestions; this is simply an organized / clarified listing of any thoughts I've been able to put to "paper" so far.

    Great work Schema and Beetlebear! Loving it! =]


    + View: Cockpits lock view into forward position, regardless of direction block is facing.

    + Fire direction: Make direction of based on individual antimatter/salvage/missile cannons/arrays attached to computer, not computer's direction. (This is much more realistic/logical/intuitive, as in real life the computer could be any direction but the shots would come from the "business end" of the firing apparatus.)

    + Group separation: Make group calculation based on both touching *and* facing. (So if two firing blocks are touching but facing different directions, they will be two groups and shoot in their respective directions.)

    + Battle: The auto-converge feature sometimes causes the cannon(s) to aim a few blocks away from where pointed.

    + Build: Have the large size and symmetrical build tools check all blocks that will be placed before placement, to help avoid occupying the same space as other solid objects. Popup warning as with placement of single block.

    + Movement: Astronauts are confined to gravity based "pole" movement system when in space / not affected by gravity. (This makes movement in gravity free environments extremely difficult. Lock model's head and actor's view perpendicular to body and place astronaut in full range look-motion system, and allow rotation keys, when out of gravity.)

    + Items: Items not matching contents of a full inventory are currently deleted. In this case, simply cancel collection attempt and add ignore item while still in collection range. If in ship, attempt to add item to ship inventory before abandoning.

    + Adv. Build Mode: X/Y/Z lengths. It remembers the Symmetry Build Planes, and visually remembers the x/y/z lengths, but not the *actual* x/y/z lengths. (If a block is placed by holding Ctrl, or a number is changed, it acts as if it was 1 (which it was) instead of the number remembered and displayed.)

    + Faction Hub: Scrolling. Lots of entries are impossible to scroll through and read or anything else.

    + Player List: Toggle, instead of overlay; or, preferrably, transparent auto-resizing overlay (that switches to menu, if option is enabled, if list is too large to display at once). It is impossible to scroll through the list because it is an overlay; mouse controls player movement.

    + Admin Cmd.: /jump doesn't recognize objects very far away, likely only those in the same sector, if even that far.

    + Admin Cmd.: Add "general" category to /give_category_items (And subcategories; light, factory, etc.)

    + Connection: Don't broadcast player connection to server (nor physically/visually put actor/model into world) until client successfully reaches visual interface, after text loading screen is complete.

    General Improvements

    + Server: StarMade\Log\server.log, chat.log, debug.log.

    + Battle: Option to disable / key to toggle / key to hold-disable auto-converge of cannons/missiles on individual block pointed at by cursor.

    + Waypoints: Display a 3D arrow that may be followed, instead of a sector-to-sector HUD marker guide. (This is much more intuitive, and will make travel much easier from the shorter distance travelled, lack of changing direction, and lack of reduction in speed.)

    + Waypoints: Instant dismissal key.

    + UI Markers: Option to automatically consider any ship that shoots at you an enemy, thus also changing it's marker to red for instant recognization in the 3D HUD, radar, and navigation pane.

    + UI Markers: Customization. Options to change color for every combination of status possible. (Enemy + AI = pink, Enemy + human = red, etc.)

    + Entity Filter: HUD + radar. (An option to change entities marked in these real-time areas would be great. Not only because the Navigation menu is unusable in flight because it both blocks the screen and causes ship control to completely cease, but because the remaining HUD markers distract from the desired filter effect, negating the entire point of having them. As a simple and easy to use interface I suggest a 2D checkbox layout for the current Filter window, with a column for each visibility location and a row for each entity: HUD / Radar / List: Entity; [ ] [x] [ ] Asteroid, [x] [x] [x] Ship, etc.)

    + Entity Filter: Factions. A column of checkboxes in the Faction Hub list to show/hide entities belonging to specific factions.

    + Inventory: Protect containers from right click / build mode breakage (including via large size and symmetrical removals). As an astronaut, popup Yes/Cancel warning, or use Shift+click/Ctrl+click. In build mode, do the same; popup on individual click, allow via symmetrical / large edit.

    + Inventory: Add timer to each item dropped; keep for 5 minutes default (server.cfg). (-1 = no decay, 0 = no drop (instant deletion), 1+ = lifetime in seconds.) If items combine into stack, reset timer to max.

    + Inventory: Separate container storage from personal inventory, so they're not half size and forced to scroll.

    + Inventory: Shift+click to transfer item between inventory and container.

    + Inventory: Allow ships to pick up items directly to their PlexStorage containers. (Transfer there first, then to personal inventory if no room.) (Ignore docked ships and turrets with containers.) (Ignore if unpiloted.) (Do NOT ignore if AI piloted. This would become extra, non-random loot. ;)

    + Inventory: Permanent item deletion ablity. Either a slot, like Terraria's, (item in slot stays, like extra inventory slot, but any other item put there overwrites; Ctrl+click or Ctrl+Shift+click to send directly to slot,) *OR* use the PlexRecycler as an item -> subatomic energy/material converter? Or a new PlexDisposal block? =] ("De-atomizer" furnace that somehow makes things completely un-exist, I suppose... ;)

    + Controls: Option to invert mouse wheel direction interpretation.

    + Controls: Add mouse wheel button to assignable keys.

    + Controls: Add mouse wheel up and down to assignable keys, and a NONE parameter in the current mousewheel function option. (This of course would be also affected by the option to allow multiple key assignments, even if NONE is not set.)

    + Block connection: Add ability to select regions and/or groups of one type of block (cannons, etc.), and connect them at once to an appropriate controller (computers, etc.).

    + Docking: Make module base capacity on total number of enhancers connected, not shape and location. (Ship's build mode could display number of enhancers required, and likewise selecting the docking module could display how many are currently connected.)

    + Docking: Add ability to rotate docked ship to face any of the four directions possible from face of module docked to.

    + Docking: Add ability to rotate docking module, especially while ship is docked.

    + Commands: Command rename/alias configuration. (I'd like /tpto instead of /tp_to, for one; easier to type. ;)

    Decor / Aesthetics / Fun /
    + Different colors of glass, dye-able via paint/etc.

    + Fireworks.

    Admin & Tools

    + /creative [entity]: Minecraft-like creative mode. Easy access via dedicated visual menu to all materials, no decrement of materials or credits on use.

    + /invin [entity]: Toggle damage to self or entity (if player, applies whether as astronaut or in ship).

    + /invis [entity]: Invisibility toggle. /invis. Causes permanent cloak and radar jam whether in ship or not. Stays on player upon leaving ship, ship returns to previous operation. If entering ship while on, affects ship also. If turned off while in ship, ship returns to previous operation. (Such as any cloak/jam it had on before.) Server sends no packets of this player to other clients; this prevents hacked clients from seeing player.

    + /clip [entity]: Toggle collision physics on self or entity (if player, applies whether as astronaut or in ship).

    + /grav [entity]: Toggle gravity physics on self or entity (if player, applies whether as astronaut or in ship).

    + /god [entity]: Toggle /creative, /invin, /invis, /clip, and /grav all at once. All will be set to ON or OFF, with this command's state, regardless of current individual states before use.

    + /pilot [entity]: Take control of selected or specified entity. If already piloting, swap to next pilotable block if existing (rather than entire structure / ship core). (Will take control / pilot even if it's a station, asteroid, planet, etc. with no build block; you'll be inside as if in a build block but tied to integrity of entire structure, much like how asteroids/etc. are removed from existence only when the last block is gone.)

    + /boot [entity]: Same as /pilot [entity], except this will kick out any players and AIs, rather than having co-control. If already piloting entity selected/specified, players/AIs will be booted then.

    + Better teleport commands: (If an entity is a player, and is controlling something, warn and confirm; per options. Separate toggleable options for warnings due to control of planet, faction home, station/build, and ship.) (As usual, if an entity is player controlling something, or something controlled by a player, the controlled entity is teleported also; along with all players currently co-controlling, docked ships/turrets, players/AIs in those, ships/turrets on those and players/AIs in them, ad infinitum; they all stay as they currently are, and the whole thing is teleported.)
    /tphere entity (Teleports entity to self, even if near.)
    /tp entity (Teleports self to entity, even if near.)
    /tp x y z (Teleports self to center of sector, even if already in sector.)
    /tp entity x y z (Teleports entity to center of sector, even if already in sector.)
    /tp entityA entityB (Teleports A to B, even if near.)

    + /clear [player] [item] -- Deletes entire inventory, or specified item, from self or specified player.

    + /fillall [number], /fillslot [number] -- Fills item(s) to max capacity or given amount.

    Thanks again for such a fun game! =]