[31st of March] Schine Bi-weekly Q&A

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    Count Duku
    Sep 4, 2013
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    Welcome to our bi-weekly Q&A!

    Question taking has closed.

    Qustions taking will close on the 6th of April, 11:15 PM UTC.

    Ask any question about StarMade or its development, and we'll try out best to answer it in a forum answer thread posted every two weeks (provided it's not a secret). Depending on how many questions are asked, we may have to move questions from this session to be answered in subsequent sessions (or, skipped).

    We will prioritise questions which have more likes, so make sure to like if you want an existing question answered!

    • Please ensure that your question has not been asked previously. If it has been asked in a previous QA and listed on the answer later pile (not skipped), you may repeat it t
    • Keep responses on this thread to: posting questions, notifying an author of a question that it has already been posted, and expanding on already asked questions.
    • One question per person. This helps us make sure we can answer everyone's questions and have more time to go into detail! If you have multiple questions, try and get a friend to ask one :)
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    Dec 10, 2017
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    What are your plans for NPC's (ships, factions, characters, creatures, plants, etc.)? Right now we have factions and shop owners, but both are very minimal in function. I'd like some insight into what you have planned for the universe and how you are going to bring it to life. Will this include active trade between factions and stations/shops? Will there be battles/wars? Ambushes? Active station and ship building? Infestations?
    Valiant, if you look at the end notes of the answers to the last Q&A, you will see that there is a question about chairs included in the "questions to be answered in the future" section.


    Wiki Administrator
    Sep 10, 2013
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    Will weapon volleys be added? As in a way for weapon arrays to fire one right after another rather than all at once without the use of logic. ex. A Missile+Damage Beam system that has multiple arrays and will fire its missiles one after another at a locked on target rather than all at once.
    Feb 27, 2016
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    Are there any plans to add more effect modules/computers?
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    First Citizen
    Jun 23, 2013
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    The universe update is appears to be a large collection of features, some large and some small, connected by a common theme. Do you plan to release it in one major patch, or over the course of several patches introducing different features?
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    madman Captain

    Self-appointet Overlord of the Scaffold
    Jan 11, 2015
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    Is the flightmodell a subjet to change in the future? If yes what your plans?

    -Will the flightmodel be purely spacelike or a space/aireal(for small ships)/naval(for large ships) hybride? I think there good reasons why nearly no other Spaceship game I know use a pure spacelike flightmodel.
    -Why can ships accelerrate in all directions with same speed? Spaceships that cirlestrafe around each other look really stupid.
    Jun 20, 2013
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    Is it the plan to make credits or blocks the core currency of StarMade? For example, it used to be credits, now on most servers shield capacitors are good bartering material (since they are needed a lot and relatively hard to make).

    How do you plan to make pve content (mainly fighting npcs) be a more legitimate way of acquiring wealth (mining currently surpasses it by far) and make pve a more interesting activity?

    Question for all respective schine staff, especially schema.
    What's specific activity/thing to do in StarMade do you find the most fun?


    The Shrink
    Aug 4, 2013
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    Since one of the primary goals of the weapons update is to improve multi-block effect capabilities of single projectiles, and since it has already been stated that the architecture of the weapon will be the sole determinant of its abilities, do you plan to loosen up on the structural integrity on weaponry in order to allow architectural variety? The current settings are pretty restrictive in the mid-range (large enough to start suffering from low integrity but too small to properly squeeze in a decent sized brick of blocks)
    Aug 9, 2014
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    Will there be a better aiming system for for example self operated cannons. It could me something like a hit marker which you have to aim at to hit the enemy ship
    Sep 14, 2017
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    With so many recent and planned updates eliminating systems that were previously expected to be made using logic systems, are there any practical applications of logic that Schine plans to specifically keep as logic based or open up in the future for advanced ship building such as weapon staging, turning chambers on/off , and giving weapons and chambers detectable logic states?

    Will weapon volleys be added? As in a way for weapon arrays to fire one right after another rather than all at once without the use of logic. ex. A Missile+Damage Beam system that has multiple arrays and will fire its missiles one after another at a locked on target rather than all at once.
    Weapon staging is one of the only usefully things left to do with logic. It would be very sad to see this moved to a simple menu option. However, it would be nice if logic could detect weapons firing to make more staged weapons patterns possible.

    Since one of the primary goals of the weapons update is to improve multi-block effect capabilities of single projectiles, and since it has already been stated that the architecture of the weapon will be the sole determinant of its abilities, do you plan to loosen up on the structural integrity on weaponry in order to allow architectural variety? The current settings are pretty restrictive in the mid-range (large enough to start suffering from low integrity but too small to properly squeeze in a decent sized brick of blocks)
    This is based on a misunderstanding about how low density building works. Explosive single output weapons are more affected by low density builds than the old single output spam thing because single output weapons could hit spaced armor, fly 20 m, then continue drilling whereas an explosive weapon would waste most of its damage on empty space. IMO, the integrity break point is at a pretty reasonable spot right now, instead we would be better off with an integrity system that makes integrity=1 systems just as viable as integrity=10,000 so as to maximize the incentive for creative and innovative building.

    Pulse is leaving us, it could've been fun laying a wall of warheads and then scatter them around with a pulse blast.
    Is there any chance for it to be staying in a different form, If not as a similar one to it's current form, maybe as a frontal wave and it ignores astronauts.
    So can pulse be resurrected?
    Internal defence systems for astronaut killing is the number #1 use of Pulse in the game right now. If you were to keep it, I don't see why you'd get rid of its ability to do this.
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    Jan 12, 2015
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    Pulse is leaving us, it could've been fun laying a wall of warheads and then scatter them around with a pulse blast.
    Is there any chance for it to be staying in a different form, If not as a similar one to it's current form, maybe as a frontal wave and it ignores astronauts.
    So can pulse be resurrected?
    Oct 8, 2014
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    I heard that support weapons will lose the ability to have slave systems, while this does not bother me much for the improvements coming, I wonder when and if we will ever see healing cannons/missiles or salvage cannons/missiles and mixes for the other support tools?
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