16 Good Suggestions.

    Aug 17, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    Hi this is just some things i think would be good to add.

    1. Animations for the plex doors, say sliding across to open.

    2. Being able to spin spin yourself around in astronaut mode.

    3. Animations for flying in astronaut mode like thrusters on the guys backpack.

    4. More options for the bobby AI module, option to make them follow you, option while in any ship to call a bobby AI and make it dock to you (List of all bobby AI units close to you), telling it to go to a place by bringing up a list of near by bobby ai selecting it and being able to remotely control it.

    5. the navigation screen could have a seperate section that show all of your ships (only your ships) no matter how far away you are so you cant really get lost. (maybe a speacial block that you put down and name then that comes up on the list instead of every one of your ships ship.(You could call it a tracking module?)

    6. Stronger engines, energy generaters and shield generaters. different types of cannons. (laser and sunbeam controled by a different CPU each)

    7. the colour orange. (my FAVOUITE colour) its not in the game :(

    8. free camera option while zoomed out in astronaut mode and in ships.

    9. NPCs that can inhabit planets and build towns and citys.

    10. enemys while on planets. enemys differ depending on the type of planet. (mobs like sheep, cows on planets. different mobs on different planets.)

    11. pirates can get out of there ships and attack you with there pistols. lots of pirates in pirate space stations. that you have to kill.

    12. friendly NPCs that get there own ships or get in yours and follow you to help with the pirates or explor planets.

    13. to be able to classifie your ship as different types of vessels. (Explorer, Science Vessel, Cruiser, Fighter, Destroyer etc...) pirates attack you if you are in anyway hostile. but ignore you if you are not.

    14. More AI/NPC factions.

    15. Drones. (fighters, repairs, miners etc...) drones would need a drone hanger or drone docking ports, you can send them out and call them back as many time as you want. they recharge when docked and are electric so you cant leave them floating in space forever.

    16. Escape pods that can be set to fly to a certain sector to escape at high speeds. over 50 km/s? (small but you can build on to a special escape core to make bigger ones. Drop pods or landing pods that you can drop from ships that are to big to go in the gravity of a planet?
    Jul 11, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 4
    About 16:

    Ship speed is limited by the number is server config. You can set it to any number you like.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I saw an interview and i saw a random generated city on a picture! WISH COMES TRUE ^^

    I would like to have more than one thruster

    lvl2, lvl 3, lvl 4, lvl 5, ... everyone does makes 50 more speed

    (my another idea went away :C)
    May 25, 2013
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    There is no consensus that those suggestions would be \"good\" or even feasible. Calling your own suggestions good with no explanation on why they would be good is entirely pointless !


    Social Media Director
    Jun 25, 2013
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    1 - Doesn’t seem necessary

    2 - Not sure I understand, but if I’m correct, why? Seems pointless

    3 - Sure

    4 - More AI options would be nice but having them auto dock seems impossible.

    5 - I would say this would only work if it was tethered to factions or the cores that you place in the game.

    6 - Variety is nice, but we already have power and shield generators.

    7 - I agree

    8 - Not important right now

    9 - Already planned. They probably won’t build however

    10 - Already planned.

    11 - I agree. Not really necessary for pirate ships however.

    12 - For now I’ll just say stick with multiplayer

    13 - Pirates attack for loot, no matter what vessel they are “classified as” The game should also not limit a person to what they want to classify their craft as.

    14 - I agree

    15 - AI modules already cover this.

    16 - Docking modules and docked ships already cover this.
    Jan 1, 2013
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    almost all of these are planned, or implemented (1 or 2) already in some form :D

    #11, thats a novel one i think, but is likely included in the npc\'s that schema plans to add
    Jul 11, 2013
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    1. Animations for the plex doors, say sliding across to open.


    2. Being able to spin spin yourself around in astronaut mode.


    3. Animations for flying in astronaut mode like thrusters on the guys backpack.

    Looks cool, but ehh.

    4. More options for the bobby AI module, option to make them follow you, option while in any ship to call a bobby AI and make it dock to you (List of all bobby AI units close to you), telling it to go to a place by bringing up a list of near by bobby ai selecting it and being able to remotely control it.

    Yes, but only AI of your faction, and have a Home module, activate as home on main ship, transporter on AI, so faction members cant steal your drones.

    5. the navigation screen could have a seperate section that show all of your ships (only your ships) no matter how far away you are so you cant really get lost. (maybe a speacial block that you put down and name then that comes up on the list instead of every one of your ships ship.(You could call it a tracking module?)

    Useful, just mark down the sector the station you call home is (Hit H and find the the current factions tab. Theres your home, but nice and i want so if you lose your ship you can go find it.

    6. Stronger engines, energy generaters and shield generaters. different types of cannons. (laser and sunbeam controled by a different CPU each)

    Thruster 1. Current, default cost:1000, 2. 1.5x the thruster power of 1, cost, 2000, 3. 2x thrust of 1, costs 3000, 4. 5x thrust of 1 costs 10000, 5. 2x thrust of 4, costs 25000.

    7. the colour orange. (my FAVOUITE colour) its not in the game :(

    Not really needed, we got lots of colours.

    8. free camera option while zoomed out in astronaut mode and in ships.

    Astronaut yes, in flight mode try holding right shift.

    9. NPCs that can inhabit planets and build towns and citys.


    10. enemies while on planets. enemys differ depending on the type of planet. (mobs like sheep, cows on planets. different mobs on different planets.)

    Aliens already planned sometime i think.

    11. pirates can get out of there ships and attack you with there pistols. lots of pirates in pirate space stations. that you have to kill.


    12. friendly NPCs that get there own ships or get in yours and follow you to help with the pirates or explor planets.

    No, convert that into \"Hires\" where you hire a pilot to do one single mission, like defend Cruiser attack on hostile action.

    13. to be able to classifie your ship as different types of vessels. (Explorer, Science Vessel, Cruiser, Fighter, Destroyer etc...) pirates attack you if you are in anyway hostile. but ignore you if you are not.

    NO. People will just make their mothership a Science Vessel or something peaceful and not get attacked, just no.

    14. More AI/NPC factions.

    How can we get anymore then Trading Guild, Pirates, Aliens (upcoming if so)

    15. Drones. (fighters, repairs, miners etc...) drones would need a drone hanger or drone docking ports, you can send them out and call them back as many time as you want. they recharge when docked and are electric so you cant leave them floating in space forever.

    Try makeing a ship with minimal weapons, now put 10 docks on them, on each dock make i nice little combat fighter with an AI, turn AI to (ANY) (SHIP) (ACTIVE)

    16. Escape pods that can be set to fly to a certain sector to escape at high speeds. over 50 km/s? (small but you can build on to a special escape core to make bigger ones. Drop pods or landing pods that you can drop from ships that are to big to go in the gravity of a planet?

    No. Speed limit is a limit.
    Aug 24, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen
    I like the way plex doors disapear, especially with my slow cpu. It makes them all go away in chunks similar to the ablative armor in the Star Trek universe. In fact that\'s how I used it on my space station, deployable emergency armor. I know it\'s weak but it\'s my faction home so it doesn\'t matter and is more to keep the AI from crashing into everything, or getting stuck where my turrets cannot reach them then actual protection.

    2 is needed, if you mean like a backflip or frontflip.

    4 I like

    5 is also needed

    6 item tiers would be nice, but why would people get the lower tier stuff after the salvage thier first station?

    9 I like, but it might kill my cpu if the towns had NPCs similar to the Millenaire mod for Minecraft constantly doing stuff.

    10 planet mobs would be cool, I can wait till after a lot of other things are fixed/added though

    13 I would suggest auto classified ships based on mass and number of weapon blocks, that way we could tell if the enemy ship HMS_Fuzzy_Kitten is a fighter sized or titan sized. Advanced sensors could do this as well, if we could get the total mass and number of weapon blocks on the ship when we hovered over the icon we could flee/fight faster.
    Aug 15, 2013
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    1:Would be cruel for any Graphics Card

    2,3,7,8:I don\'t really care



    6:Different things yeah stronger things no.Adding Tiered stuff seems Nice but it is cruel to NPCs and players. If there are different things which actually are balanced or have different purposes it is ok

    9&10:Seems to be a lot work for Schema but it would indeed be nice

    11:Would be pretty annoying I don´t think it is good


    13:The System could do a classification but before the AI gets greatly expanded it would be useless


    15:Should be doable

    16:How would you get from your Ships core to the pod? Also a higher speed can be set in the config.
    Jul 11, 2013
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    um NOOOO i have a planet muncher with about 7500 mass. that would not be a peaceful ship on the table! if it judged on the module IN the ship, like the muncher has no guns or anything, so it would be considered peaceful if over 50k salvage cannons is peaceful
    Jun 20, 2013
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    • Legacy Citizen 2
    • Legacy Citizen
    Main point of my responses is Gameplay>Graphics

    1. Firstly, it would just be another thing for the game to keep track of. Not good. And then, how would you deal with this animation for plexdoors placed around corners (forming a corner themselves)? And don\'t say \"don\'t allow it\", that would just be stupid.

    2. I would like this, personally, but I feel it can wait. If it really bothers you at times, just use gravity units. Also, gravity units need to be automatic, but that\'s another topic.

    3. Eh, unecessary. Could be nice, but let it wait a while.

    4. Absolutely

    5. I would modify that: You should be able to locate (via the factions menu) all entities with a faction block on them no matter what range. Allow for filters to be used, of course.

    6. As someone earlier said, more variety would be good, but tiers of weapons only work in linear games.

    7. It can wait. If it really bothers you, go into the texture files and change a color you never use to orange.

    8. No. It\'s only abusable in any kind of combat. With astronauts, they can use it to see enemies while they hide behind a wall. With ships, it means they can see enemies and keep a better eye on them when said enemy should be easily outflanking them.

    9. Certainly not the ability to build. As Jcewashere said, it would cause a huge amount of lag. Try playing millinaire for minecraft, and you\'ll soon figure out why. Actual NPC\'s which could be interacted with would be interesting, certainly, but their cities should be pre-built. Perhaps with some ability to rebuild destroyed blocks, but most definitely not expansion.

    10. Eh, interesting. Let it wait, unless there\'s a really good reason for having it.

    11. Pirates in stations: Yes. Pirates getting out of their ships: Why? They\'re sitting there with an AMC cannon twice the size of you. Why would they get out to do anything in combat?

    12. We already sort of have the trade guild for that.... I feel like this falls under \"more functionality for the AI\"

    13. We should be able to see markers defining the number of blocks on a ship, its speed, and a rough estimate at shield capacity. We shouldn\'t give them standardized names, that would just be unpleasant.

    14. Let it wait. We have enough for now.

    15. Really, this should also be a part of \"better AI\".

    16. While I see no practical use for any of this, an automated boarding shuttle of some sort would be nice. Roughly as tanky as a ship core, they fly to a locked-target, penetrate a few layers of hull (no damage done to hull) and deposit a player there. However, that can easily wait for a long, long, time.