zimmtech pirate fleet competition

    1. Parameter

      ZimmTech TheShepherds Parameter 1.0

      The Shepherds are a bunch of slavers. With a few twisted interpretations of various religious texts, they've convinced themselves that mankind is damned and ought to be working towards forgiveness through a lifetime of harsh labor and cruel conditions. Of course, the Shepherds are there to help...
    2. Lone_Puppy

      ZimmTech-PirateFleet-Lone_Puppy 2015-10-15

      This is my submission for the ZimmTech: Pirate Fleet Competition. http://starmadedock.net/threads/zimmtech-pirate-fleet-competition.20952/ 2 videos added Sat, 17-Oct-2015 Erox Demo Tixnos Demo Added Hotbar Instructions for Erox Runner 22-Oct-2015 It contains 5 different ships. I'm new to...