
    1. Rixxan

      Gato Class Submarine 0.1

      The Gato Class Submarine was the first mass-produced Submarine created for the United States Navy. 77 of the craft were completed, with only 20 lost to enemy fire or other circumstances. Now, the class can fly the universe of Starmade. This model of the Gato class is not yet complete. The...
    2. virtue1987

      Narvik Class Destroyer 2017-06-25

      This is the Narvik Calss Destroyer, based on the real life German Zerstörer 1936A. I build this after the announcment of NPC Factions and convois between stations, and what better to assault them, then a German Destroyer. This ship Comes with moderate weapons, good enought to defeat NPCs: - a...
    3. Zaphod42

      Full-size Pennsylvania-class battleship "Indomitus"

      Presenting the USS Indomitus, a Pennsylvania-class battleship constructed using an IRL 3-foot:1 block scale. Built in the classic style of a WWII battleship with various modifications and modern weaponry. 5 decks boasting all the comforts needed for a medium-sized crew, Indomitus can take a...