u.s.s. enterprise

    1. EWHIII

      Shuttle Turret Attachment for U.S.S. Vanquish 3 of ? "ZEUS" 2015-11-13

      This is the third of Vanquish's human accessible interchangeable turrets (although this is also a ship). Dock and undock using the second camera (camera on it's belly). Vanquish Compatibility: Version 3 Size: Large Docking Rail: Center = Blue Side = Flashing Red...
    2. EWHIII

      Homing Turret Attachment for U.S.S. Vanquish (1 of ?) 2015-10-11

      This is the newer bobbi AI homing turret that comes with the U.S.S. Vanquish Version 2.o. This is the first of Vanquish's human accessible interchangeable turrets. Dock and undock using the the core in the rear (in front of the mini turret) Vanquish Compatibility Version 2 Size...
    3. EWHIII

      U.S.S. Vanquish 4.0

      The whole reason for buying Starmade was to build my own concept USS Enterprise. I feel that the Enterprise family fall into the Majestic category (like a Paladin), however I wanted a slightly darker version (i.e. someone studying to be a Death Knight). One which started hanging around with...