turret based

    1. UNSC820

      Judgement-Class Battlecruiser 1.0

      When ORT and Vaygr were in the process of merging back in 2022 began the development of a class of ship solely relying on turret firepower which initially was named the Judgement. Being deployed on only one server, it was used extensively in multiple battles and has a number of kills under...
    2. GabTechGamer

      Gabtech Corperations Def Turret 2017-10-21

      uploaded for a friend its a duil barrel lazer turret
    3. boomchacle

      Simple turret change for different turret targets.

      Just a setting for turrets which sets the ship size that they would target in the bobby AI... for example, 0-100 mass, 100-500, or 500+
    4. -=DWM=-

      Very Simple Enemy Detector V1.0

      I realise there are a few detectors around. Ah well, I put my own on Starmade too. It's not too difficult to understand how this one works, if you are in logic. I guess that you need two of them, on a X-as and Y-as for a better scan. After detection and the situation is safe again, the scanner...
    5. madman Captain

      FoI Metalforce Class Shell 1.0

      The Metalforce The Metalforce is a large Cruiser with a devastating amount of forward firing weapons to work as a Escort/Intercepor ship to protect stations or superlarge ships in convoys or battlegroups. working together with other battleships, its use it speed to counterengade enemy assaults...
    6. madman Captain

      F.o.I. Valkyria Class Dreadnought logic, interior phase 1

      Forges of Insanity Presents: The Valkyria Class Dreadnought The flagship of the military arm of FoI is a Symbol of power and should remind everyone to think wisely about the consequenses of beeing agressive against FoI and its potential allys. Its main armaments are two powerful ECM...