tantive iv

    1. Stike7g5

      Ultimate CR-90 Tantive IV 1.1

      CR-90 Corellian Corvette "Tantive IV" This is a Collaborative build with WhiteFaulken. We created two variants of the CR-90, the "Tantive IV" and the "Liberator" from Star Wars Rebels. The "Liberator" was released by WhiteFaulken HERE More About the Ship Stats: Mass: 6,902.6 Length: 150m...
    2. flett044

      Tantive IV 2016-06-06

      Tantive iv from Star Wars 4-6. Contains a shuttle, light storage and a transporter. Basically its just a cool ship to drive around in. SHIELDS: 1000000000, 12,0000 sec POWER: 4000000000, 500000 sec BLOCKS: 500000 WEAPONS: Various turrets 4 explosive effect missiles moderately fast jump drive