
    1. Serene-Switch

      And Here We Go

      I'll try to keep this short and to the point Pew Pew! Cannon recoil should be removed. Though total removal may seem like an extreme stance I have given considerable thought to this mechanic and still can find no justification for its existance. It is a detriment to cannon systems which is not...
    2. Unnamed25

      Oldish experimental thing 2.0

      test ship i made a while ago, 473k mass, has everything a ship needs, shields are nice too last i checked shield thing video: Dropbox - Shields.mp4 look at that beautiful regen
    3. saywuuuuuut

      Starknife Class Battleship 1.1

      The Starknife Class is the First star wars styled ship i made. Its a ship heavily made for offensive. So its an attack ship. This ship has 3 shuttles and a fighter. 24 automated cannons, 2 Swarm missiles and 1 homing missiles.Front:BackOpened Hangar:Closed HangarHangar with shuttles and...