star trek voyager

    1. docpenguindoc

      DI Delta Flyer 1.0

      The Delta Flyer was a shuttlecraft designed and constructed by the crew of the USS Voyager during their journey home from the Delta Quadrant. This shuttle comes equipped with Phasers, Photon Torpedos, Deflector Shields, a Warp Drive, as well as a handful of logic features, including an escape...
    2. P

      Neelix shuttle: "Baxian" 2019-04-08

      I am making my own version of USS Voyager, this includes a hangar bay with all the shuttles out of the series... Hope you all enjoy my first posted shuttle... Description: Type: Shuttle/Salvager Name: Baxian Length: 17m Width: 13m Height: 6m Speed: 225m/sec 8 charge blocks + 12...