
    1. H

      Can't put salvage module in the shipyard

      I've been building a mining ship in the shipyard but i cant put the salvage module in it and it wont pull them either. I have more than enough of them but the shipyard says i have zero. All the other part are at 100%.
    2. Exozen

      Bug ? Custom Skin not working

      I spent over 24 hours of work creating my first Starmade skin. Shown here: (I started off the skin with traid00_main_diff.png, is this why it won't work?) The files upload to the launcher's [modding > create custom skin] and the .smskin file is created without error, but when I load it and...
    3. M

      Bug 100% crash solved

      Good morning, everyone, During the past few weeks, I´ve been trying to get to the bottom of the infamous 100% crash. Finally, I made it! It appears that a content-restriction software (CanguroNet, from Telefonica) interfered with the normal download of the .vsh files that some shaders needed...