pirate/merc line

    1. SirRadAlotMore

      SRaL(M) - "Luscus" MK I

      A light Corvette sized ship, to be used as Pirate-Mob. It´s not overpowered, just one of many.... ;p
    2. SirRadAlotMore

      SRaL(M) - "Crimson Fate" MK III

      SRaL_T-67 Drone Cruiser I am still working on it , but Hull and some other things are done. Airlock Periscope! Spinning Core Still things to do.. Turrets buggy, proper Interior, etc.. Enjoy;)
    3. SirRadAlotMore

      SRaL(M) - "Fang" MK II

      A heavy Fighter, to be used as Pirate-Mob.
    4. SirRadAlotMore

      SRaL(M) - "Block" MK II

      A fitted version of my CS1 Mercenary Corvette Hull. Minor Hull tweaks for better / smoother look.(my opinion :p) 2 Weapon Systems: Homing Missiles / or Swarm Missiles Beam Interior: Bridge Airlock 2 Crew Cabins etc. Funktions: Toggleable Blast Doors via ShipRemote ( try it while in Cockpit...