null pointer

    1. Jake_Lancia

      Bug The NullPointers continue.

      This particular one happened when I jumped into a ship using TAB+F8 on my singleplayer world. I'll grab logs when they happen at other times too. Cake Build seems to case them a lot - I'll attempt to repro some for you to take a look at.
    2. A

      Shipyard Design Null Pointer Exception

      I run a small server for a few friends, however since the last update whenever anyone uses a shipyard in my server their client crashes, issuing a null pointer exception. This happens with all shipyard designs, existing ones from before the update, and any new design created afterwards. Is...
    3. speeddog73

      "Exception in thread 'ServerThread'" Server Error

      Today I was loading up my private starmade server with my friends and when I tried to boot it up today, it gave me this error. java.lang.NullPointerException at obfuscated.Rv.fromTagStructure(SourceFile:587) at...