missile cannon

    1. Gmodism

      GI_Turret Mc-OD Viggoletta LUM48 Mk1

      The Gmodism Industries Proudly Brings you: GI Turret Viggoletta Light Unguided Missile (L.U.M) The Viggoletta Turrets are developed for a all around use, with good coverage but protected systems, easy to install with install thrusters and generous shields and power systems for their size...
    2. Velociraptor501

      Ohio Class Ballistic Missile Jumpship 2016-11-19

      In 2018, The United States government started Project Odin, A plan to convert Various USAF and USN Aircraft and USN Ships to Spacecraft. The project was started to counteract the growing Russian Space Navy. The vehicles used were from The Cold War and later. In 2025 Project Sleipnir and...
    3. S

      T 29 Rendition 1.0

      An attempt at building a T 29 American Heavy Tank. Equipped with missile main cannon and a hull mounted Anti-Personnel turret. Has interior space to be in. Has strips of white hull where other colors can be placed to signify team/nation if used in a game or multiplayer.