lag reduction

    1. N

      Lag fix: Soft docking when near a body (i.e. "landing" mechanic without rails)

      Rails are great when you have them, but, some entities in the game you may want to land on, but don't have rails dock with. This is especially true of landing on a planet where there is gravity. The effect of gravity can cause a ship to bounce around on the surface after exiting, like the...
    2. Coyote27

      How can we clean up collision mechanics?

      Entity collisions are the bane of all servers and the most horrifying eldritch wickedness that threatens our existence. What can we do to optimize collision mechanics to reduce lag? One thought is to limit turrets, or moving docked entities in general, from attempting to move into space...
    3. Benevolent27

      Read by Council A Bold Idea - Remove almost all advantages of docked entities and replace their functions

      Alright, so I am going to make a bold suggestion here. Allow servers to be configured to take away the incentives to have docked entities and replace those options with better ones. I'm not referring to carrier ships or turrets. By this, I mean.. 1. Allow a server to change the configuration...