fun things

    1. S

      Missile Fighter version 1

      it was an MKI mining ship but i gutted it and added missile+missile weapon system,nothing crazy :)just some missile fun!! BTW i tried to find the guy who made the original ship but i think he has taken it down,so original design goes to you whoever you are;)
    2. Markus_McCloud

      Silly Idea: LEGO StarMade (because why not?)

      It's me again with a fairly silly idea: Let's make LEGO StarMade a reality! I'm not being too serious about this; I just want to hear your thoughts!:)
    3. timtee

      Station Fun Latest

      A Station of fun(Its a survival station) Comes with: A custom built Isanth or Modded Isanth(Has no custom blocks) A super largo 10 mil storage capacity container and a Station with a rotating engine end on it Have fun! :D Also I want to point out that you can see cargo space modules even when...