fast travel

    1. RODLON

      Chaindrive 3x3x4 - Wireless module clock method, no more undockings! 2017-04-27

      Just a chaindrive based on the wireless logic module clock, I tried to make it compact and easy to install and use. Let me know if you have any problems and will try to improve it! Installing the downloaded file: Copy it to the "templates" folder inside Starmade folder. If downloaded with...
    2. Gmodism

      GI_SkyJumper Mk1

      The Gmodism Industries SkyJumper Mark 1 This vessel can load it's Jump Drives while Performing the jump and start a new one upon arrival. It also has foldable fins for aeroespacial movement and maneuverability. As well as looking more awesome, almost like a commercial jet ;) Some...
    3. WitherFireGaming

      Wormholes, Black Holes, and White Holes, Three Separate Entities

      One thing that has both thrilled and bugged me is the wormholes currently in game. Sure, they are useful for hopping from one place to another, but act like black holes, and there are no black holes. My solution is to make them two separate things: Wormholes: Structures that look like they...