drone rack

    1. Loadout

      Drone wars season 2 Entry 2016-07-27

      The LSD entry for Drone Wars Season 2. This pack consists of 5x Kabuto RHO drones as well as 26x Gryllos mk3 drones. The new mark 3s include further optimization towards the power supply systems and some restructuring of the on board weapons. End result, more powerful main cannons, and less...
    2. LordGraftin

      Gaul light drone fighter squadron pack 2016-07-20

      Gaul light drone fighter squadron pack Drone wars season 2 entry and submission Here is our entry to the drone wars season 2 competition it is a set of a modified variant of our light fighter class. There are four drone craft docked to the platform and comprising a complete fighter squadron...
    3. Loadout

      LSD Mangler 0.9

    4. GalactusX

      Drone Launcher 2016-02-26

      Due to the prompt updating of SM, you can create fleets, and I decided to get the dust, one of my old creations, adding new decorative blocks, logic and others. This launcher drone is just one example of what can be done, but I would like to share what I do, and serve as inspiration for new...
    5. Loadout

      LSD Veld 1.0

    6. solarapple

      -Light drone carrier- Annoying stick 2015-12-03

      Stat card coming tomorrow if I remember. Remind me just in case because I'm a lazy shut in. New ship! Mainly a fun ship, not really meant for actual use since it's not so good. But hey it looks good. Called it an annoying stick because it looks like a stick and is annoying. Not a danger...