
    1. Patpumukl

      FTL Dragonfly 2016-01-06

      FTL Dragonfly German: Der FTL Dragonfly ist ein Schnellreiseschiff. Es hat keine Schilde dafür aber einen JumpDrive und eine Top-Geschwindigkeit von 297m/s. English: The FTL Dragonfly is a quick travel ship. It has no shields but a jump drive and a topspeed of 297m/s. Pls give me a feedback
    2. Criss

      Caldari Dragonfly: Standard Edition 2.1

      Today I am releasing the Caldari Dragonfly. It is a fighter drone meant to harass the enemy. They are launched from carriers. Here is the video release. You can expect one of these with every ship I post for download. Smaller ships will not get many screenshots. Discover them yourselves by...