
    1. Jake_Lancia

      Hyperion II - Colour Variants V1.0

      NOTE: Will not be updated. For an updated version of this ship refer to the CC page of the main Hyperion II. (Link soon) A purely for-fun release, this pack contains seven colour variants of the new Hyperion II, each styled around colour schemes of major factions. There is a Trident variant...
    2. josemik

      Taiidan Corvettes 1:1 Scale v2

      Dont forget to check updates :) Looks like a lot of people liked the Taiidan fighters, so i decided to do the entire taiidan empire, so here are some of their corvettes The repair corvertte will be added soon, i need to find a way to fit it with the game, maybe with Astro Technobeams? I...