console commands

    1. Asvarduil

      Item Console Commands

      So, I'm working on a mod for StarMade, which is in my signature. My research of the Command Line API has revealed some opportunities for commands that could make the game more easily moddable using existing techniques such as "Shadow"'s log-scraping/screen command setup. One thing I want...
    2. Tunk

      Enumerate and give/edit commands for non-player entity inventories

      Would be useful if there were commands for working with non-player inventories on ships, stations, asteroids and planets. Opens up some extra stuff server side, and also means a lot less hackish work arounds. For example: /inventory_enum_uid/name <uid>/<name> would output all inventories for...
    3. Benevolent27

      A Scripter's Wishlist - For Future-Compatible Server Modding, creating Quests, Events, and More.

      So, I've spent a lot of time scripting and brainstorming for the LvD server, and I now have a quest engine up and running. Players can run a command, see their available quests for the day, and then start an instanced quest. I also have spontaneous events planned, random encounters with...