chaos inc

    1. Pinky_Pie

      Starwars Raider Corvette 2016-10-06

      Hi there, today i share that Starwars Corvette Raider made for a mate. It has interior, generic interior, since i dont found any on internet. The shell details will be added later, too many projects started and lack of time. Its about 165m long, so almost scaled to a real one. Here are the...
    2. Pinky_Pie

      Logic Air lock with visual delay and depressurisation security v0.1

      Just an Airlock concept, with a 4sec visual delay before closing, and securly repressurise it. some pics will explain it easier.
    3. Pinky_Pie

      Chaos Inc - Salvage Drone Agressor. 2016-07-23

      Ello there, Another release, A medium sized Salvage drone, 100K cargo space; Dual pulse salvage, up to 200 salvage power 2x120 output. it has Airlock on the side and Armored core/computers room. Weaponery and shield are almost equal to a corvette. The pulse cooldown can seams long, but...
    4. Pinky_Pie

      Navitas Frigate 2016-07-19

      Hello, Today i introduce my last work, a Pirate Frigate built on request For perseus Server. This Frigate was built to be an AI controlled ship, it has a powerfull beam ion as main weapon, and a docked Missile array inside it, to avoid pirates to shoot from far away and come use contact...
    5. Pinky_Pie

      ShadowWalker Corvette Meduse MKII 2016-07-14

      Hi, So this is my first sharing on, This is a Part of the Fleet i did for the contest, but i totally forgot about it. ShadowWalkers are a pirate group i did for Events on Asguard French Server. They are actually normal Pirates aswell, the ships was made optimized in many ways...