beam cannon

    1. Logic_inc

      MZV I-S-15 "Viper" 1.0

      To enter the cockpit, use the button hidden by the 3/4 block behind the cockpit in front of the beams. The blast door should then open and reveal the wedge seat. Sit on the wedge with [O] and use the activation modules in the front to bring the seat forward. To exit, just do the same thing in...
    2. Antistre

      Prodromos v1.1 2017-06-19

      Heavy Fighter / Bomber armed with quad Damage beams and trio Guided missiles and shield drain. The Prodromos is fairly well armored and boasts slightly above average shields for it's class, along with decent mobility. Slow shield recharge favors a hit and run strategy as the decent top speed...
    3. Vvolodymyr

      Nucleous 1.1

      NUCLEOUS unender works Nucleous agile robust fighter / starter ship / attack drone [ shape sphere | size 25*25*25 | mass 891 | blocks 9,645 ] [ weapons single continuous explosive beam 15,452/sec | shields 100k / 5k regen | armor 143.5k ] [ radar jammer | jump drive 42 sec recharge / 98 blocks |...