my first ship with a decent interior and good enough weapons to do basic escort jobs the ship also has 2 shuttles and a really small docking port and 2 point defence turrets, a small scanning system and a powerful FTL drive however it is more then possible to install more turrets. the ships...
similar to the bastion class this ship has a impressively large shield for a ship its size (about 1.8M) however this comes at the cost of thrusters shield regen and a small reactor
built of the scrapper class frigate this ship also relies almost entirely on its impressively strong shield for its size (about 648K) rather then a good hull however this comes at the cost of a smaller then average gun and a smaller then average reactor and a very small thruster
this ship is built from its predecessor the "persecution class corvette" and it's like its predecessor in many ways like on how the ship is completely helpless without its shield but unlike its predecessor it has a cloak and a large unsaved damage beam built to be used to stop the enemy's shield...
the ship has been upgraded with a stronger weapon, em effect modules and reactor chambers to increase the ships shield capacity to about 116k however this means that some of the ships reactors have to be on the outside of the ships hull
this is a light combat ship mostly because it is almost completely reliant on its shields rather then a strong hull and its weapon outputs are not the best either
I obviously based this ship of the scavenger ships it has enough weapons and shields for early game combat or in large swarms if you have a computer thats able to handle a DDOS attack
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