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    1. DylChill616

      Octmajor Station Finishing Touches

      I'm building a small station and I'm using this thread to show my progress of finishing up, so here is what I have so far. I am pretty much done with the exterior so I can add more detail to the interior soon.
    2. DylChill616

      So there are still people playing Starmade...

      I really enjoy the simplicity of this game. I got it over two years ago and have enjoyed it immensely. It’s a shame development has gotten to this point. Hoping to see these forums more lively in the future 🙏
    3. DylChill616

      Vindicator-Class Star Frigate (WIP) 1

      The ship isn't really too useful, it is just a model. It can just fly but that's pretty much it. I need to add a weapons system and maybe a few other things. It took around 2 days to build, yet it isn't complete lol. It's a work in progress so expect updates. Thanks!