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    1. Coasterrider1

      How to generate more power?

      so thats why my base isnt getting enough power ^^; dont forget to place the stablizers at a far place...but Also a Safe place...they are kinda easy to take out if not guarded well
    2. Coasterrider1

      How to make a detachable ships

      hello everyone I just feel like explaning how to make detactable ships for your fleet to upgrade them so you have the preks of being a fleet without having to wait before the Drone ships follow you (cause you carry them) well then first things first 1 The ships first up you got to have 3...
    3. Coasterrider1

      How big is your *******

      form the time i played my fighters are usealy small but combining it with AI's mostly
    4. Coasterrider1

      Is it worth playing just for singleplayer?

      For experimenting and to test out the controlls its good to play in Singleplayer But yeah like the other people say its a whole diffrent thing in Multiplayer and single
    5. Coasterrider1

      Introduction thread!

      Hello Im coasterrider and im a builder most of the time i have been trying to play starmade for so long but now i can fully play it without lag :3 i mostly build spefic type ships...if i need a miner i build a miner ship and if i need a attack ship i build a attack ship (last ship i builded...