Search results

    1. StripedMonkey

      What makes a good mechanic?

      I granted, have little experience with the old power system but do want to say: I do like the concept of stabilizers, perhaps not as they are currently but as a feature definitely. My vision of reactor stabilizers is that they improve efficiency of the reactors specifically if they are balanced...
    2. StripedMonkey

      The thoughts of a two hour player

      Did I get em?
    3. StripedMonkey

      The thoughts of a two hour player

      My screen size is a bit funky @ 1280x1024, nothings cut off or anything but the UI (specifically the build UI) takes up a significant portion of the total screen size and makes it feel tight. The things I feel need to be more talked about in the tutorials are: Specifically going over the...
    4. StripedMonkey

      The thoughts of a two hour player

      I've played this game for a grand total of two hours so far, I figure I'd share my thoughts on the game from the perspective of someone who has played a metric ton of space games and a lover of minecraft but strangely enough has not really heard/played any Starmade before today. I have heard of...
    5. StripedMonkey

      Currently dying of an unknown disease I call crippling depression.

      Currently dying of an unknown disease I call crippling depression.