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    1. NightBridg3

      H-39 Hyena 1.0

      Hexadyne Fleet Systems ------------------------------ HFS's first entry into the fighter market The H-39 "Hyena" Light interceptor serves as a test bed for future fighter technologies and fills the role of a ground based interceptor. and thus includes traditional landing gear which, when...
    2. NightBridg3

      Grand Sola modular space station - Added elevators and engineering level , docking ports fixed

      -Added elevators -Added engineering level. (with ambient lighting :D ) *aux. power *ion modules *overdrive *shielding -fixed docking ports next: -Production level (factories, resource storage etc.) - Shipyard (might add deployable pylons) -elevator module **The main module in progress is...
    3. NightBridg3

      Grand Sola modular space station - overhaul to standardised starmade docks and added some structural modules

      -Overhauled all the docking ports to the usd standard -Added modules (so far): Main module ( work in progress) Long corridor (40m) short corridor (14m) short corridor windowed (14m) small hangar Point defense module -did some slight adjustments to the main module up next (probably)...
    4. NightBridg3

      Grand Sola modular space station - Added small hanger with (mostly) done interior, structural modules and some other things

      -Added small hanger module with interior and crude forcefield doors till I figure out how to make decent ones (tried but failed miserably :D) -Slightly tweaked the point defense modules - added the blueprint files of some modules -finished structural hub with 6 docking ports -started...
    5. NightBridg3

      Grand Sola modular space station - Grand Sola 0.5

      -finished most of the corridors -interior of the main module somewhat done -lettering done ( name changed to Grand Solae , because symmetry ;-;) next up: -Reactor module(might take a while, I'm new to logic blocks etc.) -AA turret rack module -Airlocks -Might add retractable missile turrets if...
    6. NightBridg3

      Grand Sola modular space station 0.7

      *I messed up the directions of some of the docking ports in 0.65, busy fixing* since all my ships look like flying turds. I decided to build my first space station and make it a modular with dockable weapons platforms for customizable configurations as well as easy expansion. In progress...