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    1. Samwiz1

      Crew as a way to limit turret/drone spam, encourage warfare, and induce maintenance costs

      Absolutely genius, but i couldn't think of something harder to implement. What you're talking about is a COMPLETE overhaul on why there are planets, a MASSIVE change in how fleets work, and a consistent supply of automated resources. This could be difficult to implement as what you suggests that...
    2. Samwiz1

      Blackberry Frigate - Logic Drive Update

      Now outfitted with my friend Nosajimiki's Logic Drive, the blackberry is a better support ship than ever.
    3. Samwiz1

      Fern Logic Jumper 1.0

      A small jumper with low shields and high power, this ship, along with my organic theme, is designed for transportation across and even between galaxies. It has a large storage capacity for people who intend to settle elsewhere and want to take their crap with them, a permajammer that won't drain...
    4. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Thanks, I appreciate it :D
    5. Samwiz1

      Hallowed Shipyards

      Wow. This stuff is absolutely beautiful. Frankly, there's no way i could ever get close to the detail you put into the succubus. Although i LOVED the little mechs. Wait. Here's an idea... Would it be possible to use rail axis rotators to get the legs to move, and then have the arms be...
    6. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Uploaded the Grapevine Mini-Carrier in response to the entirety of votes being for an organic carrier. It may be small, but it's fun to play with. Enjoy!
    7. Samwiz1

      Grapevine Mini Carrier -Cannon Drones- 2017-02-06

      Well, due to popular votes on my thread Samwiz1's Organic Ships , I decided to make a carrier. But, knowing nothing about carriers, starting small would be the logical first step. So, not long after i started, i present to you the Grapevine class mini carrier. Current specifications...
    8. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Just uploaded the Birch Claim Outpost to add to my ranks of organic things. It's not strong or anything, but it's a happy little station :D
    9. Samwiz1

      Birch Claim Outpost 1.0

      Hai. This is the Birch Claim Outpost, a little something i dreamed up after a large military move on the LvD server. I really just needed to make something to get away from it all while still having access to the chat, so this was made in-server. This station is pretty minimalist. It has the...
    10. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      GG enjoyed using said ships to destroy one of your 750k mass stations gg
    11. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      hrm i guess i saw all the fighter/bomber porn stuff and decided that my topic would mostly be similar to those, rather than a section labeled "shipyard", which made me assume it was literally a section for shipyards. Welp, even if it would be a better place for it It's not as if i could change...
    12. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Great Oak Battleship just released. Now that i have a small fighter, a medium frigate, and large battleship i can finally relax a bit about this not being a complete fleet. yey
    13. Samwiz1

      Great Oak Battleship 1.0

      Well, Here she is. The Great Oak Battleship, 3rd Vessel in my fleet of Organic (green) ships. With multiple lines of turrets, heavy ion cannons and extreme explosive homing missiles, this ship was built for siege and pvp. There's not that many roleplay elements in the core of this ship, merely...
    14. Samwiz1

      Refitting Old Famous (And not so famous) StarMade Ships!

      I say, this is ambitious. Good luck in your venture!
    15. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Huh, i was unaware of the fleet by KingOfAnime, but everything else i knew about, which is why I'm making normal ships before i design a miner. And yeah, allies are something I need, but members would help too...? :3 Anyways the Great Oak is gonna have mounted turrets and plenty of decoration...
    16. Samwiz1

      Samwiz1's Organic Ships

      Hi, I'm Samwiz1, and this is a thread for me to post my organic ships in. Lately I've been playing on the Light vs Dark server, and i noticed that the Dark factions outnumbered the Light 10 to 1, so I made a faction and joined Light. (sorry for advertising, just a bit of backdrop xD) I realized...
    17. Samwiz1

      Dis guy rates my stuff. He's gud. 11/10 wud rate again

      Dis guy rates my stuff. He's gud. 11/10 wud rate again
    18. Samwiz1

      Thorn Fighter 1.0

      A small-ish Fighter with plant-like features, going along with the plant theme i've already been doing anyways. Has 4 fast-ish firing cannons and a permajammer that can function at the same time. Also has 4k shields to take a few hits and a slow and inneficient jump drive for emergencies...
    19. Samwiz1

      Frankly, i can go visit their bases anytime in my permacloakers to see exactly what they have...

      Frankly, i can go visit their bases anytime in my permacloakers to see exactly what they have, so them seeing my ships don't hurt that much.
    20. Samwiz1

      Just uploaded the BlackBerry class frigate, the first ship in a fleet of plantlike ships to...

      Just uploaded the BlackBerry class frigate, the first ship in a fleet of plantlike ships to fight the Odium Alliance with. Check it out!