Search results

    1. Admiral_Kirk

      [Suggestion] Sound Blocks (Music Blocks)

      Hello, I posted here today to mention a great Suggestion for that many people would love and could be used for many things. This suggestion is on Sound Blocks or could be called Music Blocks. This block could be used as with logic and lights or just by its self. It could be used with logic and...
    2. Admiral_Kirk

      18th Century Flagship Contest - Real Money Giveaway To Winner!

      HELLO, WELCOME TO MY CONTEST! My Contest is about to try and make a 18th Century Flagship similar to the image of the ship Below. WHO EVER CAN MAKE THIS SHIP ALMOST PERFECTLY... I WILL BE AWARDING THE WINNER WITH OF THEIR CHOICE OF... 1. $50 DOLLAR STEAM GIFT CARD. 2. $25 DOLLAR GOOGLE...
    3. Admiral_Kirk

      18th Century Flagship Contest - WITH REAL MONEY WINNER GIVE-AWAY

      HELLO, WELCOME TO MY CONTEST! My Contest is about to try and make a 18th Century Flagship similar to the image of the ship Below. WHO EVER CAN MAKE THIS SHIP ALMOST PERFECTLY... I WILL BE AWARDING THE WINNER WITH OF THEIR CHOICE OF... 1. $50 DOLLAR STEAM GIFT CARD. 2. $25 DOLLAR GOOGLE...